MovieChat Forums > Cube (1997) Discussion > If you cant answer these then this movie...

If you cant answer these then this movie was pointless (spoilers)

If you can answer me these questions about the movie, maybe I'll stop bagging it & respect it more, they are simple questions that every movie-goer should be able to answer when they go to see a film that actually has a plot that wants to convey a point or message (who,what,when,where,why)? I cannot comprehend a 7.5 rating on IMDB!

Who built the "cube"? Don't say the government unless you can answer...

Why was the "cube" built? Based on my understanding all you need to be is good with numbers, to survive the cube. Was it built to haven criminals because if so then all you need to be is good at maths, or suffer from autism? How are people determined, "valid" to be shoved in this cube?

How was the "cube" built? Don't say it was done my multiple companies, because surely not one person would ask-"why are we designing massive cubes, with torturous items in them?". Give me logic to how the "cube" moves, because I dont see a machine powerful enough to move 200 different cubes? At the edges of the cube why is there nothingness? Surely nothing could suspend a cube this big above ground? Tell me what could hold it up? How high up could they be & how would the government explain for the cost of a multi-billion dollar cube if in fact the government designed it?

What is the purpose of the "cube"? Give me a good reason other than the director trying to entertain the audience with the most gruesome deaths imaginable.

My rating is 1/10 for not going anymore than 90 mins...I don't care about how entertained you guys were if a movie follows no logic, no reason & no purpose then surely you either don't deserve to have an opinion about any films or have had a lobotomy!

If you truelly deep down in your heart loved this movie passionately, my real question should be...when are you going to jump off that cliff in front of you?

oh you got a murderous rage in you!


I can answer all your questions with one sentence. Beats me. But I still liked the movie.


Mystery is a great thing.


These first two responses, show how brainless people who watch this movie really are, you dont need to prove to me you like the film in your wierd little ways, sh!t i realise by the amount of people trying to defend this movie but yet you haven't shown anyone this movie is good. CUBE is the biggest cop-out for a film because it never resolves what it starts & the sequels still dont answer that question so other than opinion technically this movie is rubbish. Not only do I hate this film beyond belief but the world deserves to know that this film deserves a bottom 100 placing rather than almost being in the top 250. Damn you americans have ghastly tastes in movies...this film mimics the way you think.

Oh yeah my favourite movies of all time are Shawshank Redemption, The Departed, The Machinist & The Shining. So dont reply by say I probably watch Barney & friends, so I myself have no taste in movies.

oh you got a murderous rage in you!


This fim is Canadian, actualy.

As to what it all means:

The movie is a parable/fantasy of how big organizations can spin out of control, doing projects, which (due to flaws in the system) no one can question why, or how. In this fantasy, all restraint and oversight has broken down
(as is really the case in totalitarian states, like North Korea), so someone is making something, someone is planning a maze, someone is selecting victims to put in it, maybe it all had a purpose once, but now no one knows why, or how, and (apparently) there is no way to question or change anything.

This feeling of helplessness in the face of unnnamed and uncontrollable forces is caught very well by the writer Franz Kafka; much of this movies what-does-it-all-mean dialogue sounds like him.

The reason for the ending is that in real life there is some purpose to all organization, even a thoroughly bad one. But the point of this movie is to show the helplessness and of someone trapped in the system; an explanation would puncture the mood. That is my guess, anyway. (The movie 'Cube Zero' tries to provide an explanation, unluckily, it is a horrible movie)

I don't think something on this scale is possible in an open society, like Canada. But, like the movie 'The Game'(1997), it is fun to speculate.


"the film in your wierd little ways"

Learn to write. Do you need everything spelled out for you? You're probably one of those people who hated the Sopranos ending too? Who cares who built it? The point is that they are in it and they have to survive. We don't know exactly where we came from and people still continue their lives.

You suck!


You're one of those simple-minded fools who uses plotting and narrative as a crutch to engaging in a film. By your asinine "rules", works by Samuel Beckett, Kafka, Bunuel or Lynch are trash because they don't spell things out for you in a linear way.


Yeah, The Trial belongs at the very bottom of the literary heap, apparently, with cut-and-dry "realistic" romance dime-novels at the top.

Who knew?


It's called ambiguity, Jesus.

The very point is that the cube makes no sense. It's a machine built out of pure hubris and paranoia. The government could easily create something like the cube and hide it. The US spends 20% of the budget on "defense" spending. This includes billions in black budget funding which is never accounted for. Hell, We spent billions on MK ULTRA. Of course, it doesn't matter where the cube came from, at all.

And despite your elitist posturing, you make several major mistakes in your argument.

A: This is a Canadian film not an American film, so it doesn't comment on American intelligence at all. What's more it made 500k in America, so no one friggin saw it.

B: Though you place yourself as intellectually superior to anyone who enjoys this film you neglect to mention or even acknowledge the heavy debt it owes to the likes of Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Franz Kafka, and existential worldview, likely because you've never read these authors.

C: You boast about your taste in film...but all of your choices are easy, accessible, mainstream Hollywood star vehicles made after 1980. Oh, look at you! You named a Kubrick film (the least spectacular of his works). And a Scorsese film (probably the most broad, boring film he has ever made, and a poor remake to boot). And an indie film from 5 years ago starring Batman. And the most safe, obvious "favorite movie" choice of the last few decades. You know just enough to know that Scorsese and Kubrick carry weight, but not enough to know that both of them have made far, far superior films. This, coupled with the newness of the movies, your complete ignorance of literature, and your general demeanor would pin your D.O.B. somewhere around 1995.

Go watch Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, The King of Comedy, Goodfellas, Casino, The Last Waltz, The Last Temptation of Christ and...oh...I just looked up your IMDb profile and noticed that you go around bragging that you watched "Faces of Death" without really are 14, aren't you?

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


I just had to tell you that I loved your comment.. lol. I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw the list of movies and I was like...Hmmm wonder if anyone is going to point it out...then I was like ahh there it is. LOL


JAMES_WA - you are such a sad sad little man. Come back when you've grown up enough to see how stupid you are being.


First of i'm English not American, second off the movie is up interpretation, and lastly people are allowed these things called opinions, look it up.

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan


First of I'm English not American, second off the movie is up interpretation, and lastly people are allowed these things called opinions, look it up.
To whom are you responding?

Move along. Nothing to see here.


To the OP.

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan


I bet you're not fan of David Lynch then.


I'm not a fan of any director/producer, though some things that I don't like tend (sometimes) to have the same directors/producers. Same for some things that I do like. Actually, I don't even care (& usually don't know either) who produced/directed something.
If I want your opinion, I'll GIVE it to you.


Maybe you'll find this a bit too artsy (you seem to be demanding absolute rigorous systematic explanations for film mysteries, which I find a bit weird, I admit), but the Cube isn't supposed to be explained. It's a complete gimmick.

Obviously, it serves a purpose, sets up an atmosphere and brings out the characters, but as someone said on another thread, it could have been replaced with something else. The point was that these persons were isolated, mystified and desperate. The rest of the film studies the dynamics of their miniature society.

Of course, if you went into the movie hoping for an eventual confession as to the Cube's point, its creators, etc. you must have been disappointed. In this case, you may perhaps check out the sequels, which are much more straightforward in their final 'reveals'.

Now that's out of the way, seriously go check yourself in. Opinionated Internetman Anger Syndrome of the first order.


Basically this movie could have just been a black screen for 90 minutes, because the viewer cannot extract anything from this movie. I couldn't wait for the ending which wasn't really an ending. How can you call this attrocity a film? This film isnt art because it eventuates to nothing...Its simply lazy directing & no matter how you put it you cant explain one good thing about this film. Plus the acting was irretating so really you should shut your mouth & stop saying people who dislike this film 'Opinionated Internetman Anger Syndrome' because if you cannot back your own movie & answer my generic questions then you yourself lack any single taste in what a film is meant to be.

oh you got a murderous rage in you!


Jamez WA,

Rubbish post.


A movie that takes the highs and lows of human nature, shows us our extremes for compassion and brutality, and puts it in a scenario where at least 3 significantly different theories can be derived about where they were, what the Cube meant, and how they got there. Government conspiracy? Alien abduction? Were they all dead and stuck in Purgatory??? Plenty of evidence to suggest any of them could be legitimate, in the end it doesn't matter. It's what they experienced inside the cube that was the focus of the film.

Do you have the slightest idea of how to create something that complex and complete? I doubt it, instead you just come here to bash it. If you need definitive answers, a 5-minute wrap up in the end that gives a full explanation of the events from start to finish, then this was not the film for you. Oceans 11 probably worked out better. This one was meant to leave things vague so you decide for yourself what it means.

You have a lot of anger issues and a serious ego problem. Seek help quickly.



Your first post rants about the pointlessness of a film you don't understand, and you suggest that for those of us that like it, we should jump off a cliff.

Your second post calls people "brainless", you break out some profanity, and even go on to describe a seething loathing hatred that sounds like Hitler's opinion of the Jews. YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT A MOVIE.

Then when we bring up these "anger issues" jokingly, you threaten to bash in my skull, and keep going with the name-calling and profanity. Looking back over the thread, I'm not seeing anyone who provoked you first.

But naaaah, you're pretty straight in the brain. What were we thinking?

The reason you can't comprehend why people liked this is because you're asking all the wrong questions. You're focusing on the who/what/where/why/how of the cube itself, and that's not the point of the movie. It's just the setting. And so you come here, ranting and raving, putting the responsibility on the rest of us to tell you why it's so good. Sorry dude, can't do it. If you don't get it, then you don't. It's like someone explaining the punch line to a joke, that won't make it funny. It's not a matter of intellect or artsy appreciation, different people like different stuff. So quit your whining and internet tough-guy threats, rate it a 1, and move along.

We don't necessarily categorize people who critique movies, but it's easy when you put yourself in the "a$$hole" category on your own.



you think you owned him? poor kid.

Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, no matter how crazy they are!



I'm wondering why you are so worked up about this movie. If you didn't like it, then move on, right? I don't like every movie I see. What is it about this movie that won't let you go?


Imagine being stuck in the cube with this nut case!


Guys.. don't feed the troll.


OP you should read this thread:


this movie= the meaning of life? hahahahaha

Get a life...Stop jerking your lil' fizz sticks & actually experiance the real world. There is a reason why no one in this film made it big, surely if this film perfectly delivered its character driven plot surely more than 10 years down the track we'd see at least one actor in this film actually work in a film over a $30,000 budget besides TV movies & C-grade shows. You guys crack me up, to be honest you guys look more like the trolls than I do. Suicidly protecting a movie as sh!t as this one. Go ahead ignore me it isnt going to change the fact that, you sit waiting in this board for someone to dis this movie so you can have a nice rant about their mental state. How about you reply to this message by saying that I'm a fat retard whos about 13 years old & is still breast fed? It would really really really hurt my feelings & then to rub it in you all agree with the person who says it?

:) peace out my inferior cublings!

oh you got a murderous rage in you!



we can't both ignore you and respond. How does that work?

I think the very fact that there is now a cult of people popularly known as 'Cube bashers' demonstrates the status of the film. You are probably not even aware of the great merchandizing that has occurred due to the film's successs. It is possible, for example, to buy Worth and Quinton action figures, Holloway and Leaven blow up dolls, and rubix cubes. It is also possible to buy 'Cube - the video game'. They are even going to do a high budget re-make allegedly starring 50 cent (as Quinton - who will turn out to be the hero and will save most of them), Anthony Hopkins (Rennes - who will turn out to be a mass murderer) Megan Fox (Leaven - the typical Maths geek), Brad Pitt (Kazan - he will be the retard, similar role to in 12 monkeys), George Clooney (as Worth but he will actually be a womanizer), Angelina Jolie (as Holloway - a lesbian who will constantly be attempting to seduce Megan Fox), Tom Cruise (as Alderson - Cruise will shave all his hair off for this very minor role).

So you see, Cube IS a big film. It IS for the masses. It therefore IS good.



I would just like to apologise for my immaturity guys. If I offended anyone by what I said to them, Its not personal guys. You guys are right, 40,000 people cant be wrong about this film, I'm just one teen who has a bone to pick with a fan group. You guys are just defending yourselves. Its just I'm used to getting insulted myself by internet toughguys & i guess I have become one myself now. I respect why you guys like this movie & this was a stupid board to start with.

Please forgive my stupidity I'll watch Cube again & pickup the worldviews shown through the film. How it parallels humanities quest for reason, I guess Im the true sucker for this film trying to find reason myself, I need to let go. All this fighting has highlighted how meaningless in the aspect of time it really is, the Cube was right on one thing.

No more fighting :)

Okay, so after reading this post I have to assume one of two things. Either you're a major troll and your trying to play people by now pretending you're really a nice person or the other choice is that you're just plain schizo. I'm inclined to go with the second answer.


"How about you reply to this message by saying that I'm a fat retard whos about 13 years old & is still breast fed? "

OK: You're a fat retard who's about 13 years old and is still breast fed.

WTFBBQ dude? You're fascinating, but I sure am glad I don't know you in real life. I wouldn't want to be around you when you're pissed at the pub watching Manchester United getting scrubbed in the dirt. I wouldn't want to be your wife, girlfriend, or child either.



I have a question for you James...

WHY THE FVCK DON'T YOU JUST MOVE ON???? Honestly, I'm looking for an answer here! Tell me why you keep visiting the Cube message boards if it was such a horrendous film?

We've met before, haven't we?




To test weapons and chemicals (acid traps for example). The prisoners are ex-convicts who chose to be placed in the cube rather than face the death penalty.


[ Mate if I had anger issues I'd bash your *beep* nerd skull in with a baseball bat, but nah I don't take this that movie seriously, but you defensive b@stards I dont really know about. Unfortunately this whole character emphasis in this film was weak so what the director tried to shine through as mystery just looked like bad acting. But yeah all you american f*ggits just like to say I have anger issues but really you should question your own mental state for enjoying this film. ]

Oh yeah..I don't see any evidence of anger issues in the above statement.. Little boy, you're the perfect example of the word clueless. Oh yeah, you're also a snob. I think putting you in the cube would be interesting. I see you as the cop charactor.


skaterboy you think your funny but honestly, you look like the biggest douche bag of all. Why dont you get a life & actually refer to the questions being raised in the argument other than a past event you were not a part of.

BTW read what i say freako "but nah I don't take this that movie seriously"

read everything, maybe then you'll pass your year 8 english exam???

oh you got a murderous rage in you!


Ooh that hurt. I answered the original question. The person who wrote the question didn't like my answer and started bitching so screw him. You don't like my answer..tough sh$t.



skaterboy you think your funny but honestly, you look like the biggest douche bag of all. Why dont you get a life & actually refer to the questions being raised in the argument other than a past event you were not a part of.

OMG No the biggest douche bag of all is definetely you. You come in to argue yet every time someone makes a point you just go "nuh uh!" without even coming up with a half intelligent retort

As you said earlier; you will never like this film and you will never convince anyone not to like it. I doubt you befriend an interesting group of people seeing as how close minded you are to opinions.


americans invented your whole routine, dude.


to the OP...anybody who needs everything spelled out is clueless...these kinds of movies are great for discussion. I can't believe anyone would watch the sequels if they didn't like the original.


I'm sure some of your questions can be answered, and some cannot. But that's not the point. Why don't you answer questions posed to you by other posters? Why DO you need things spelled out for you?

I'll accept if you didn't have fun watching it, if you were not entertained in the least (you did finish it! wait, you thought you'd be spoon fed the answers.) but that's not why you're on here complaining about. You seem pissed cause you have no answers.

I'm personally happy to have no answers. Like an early post said, mystery is a great thing. Which is what keeps me coming back to this film. I'm not going to list other films I like in hopes of impressing others or to try and validate my point either.

So stop b!tching about your questions not being answered. No one cares.

We've met before, haven't we?


Jeeeez, you're one of the people who need EVERYTHING answered and for it to make perfect sense right in front of you.

Ever think they had a reason for not explaining? Honestly, if they had, it would have disappointed. This allows people to think up their own ideas.

So get over it.

It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!


I took the film to be open to much interpretation, which is good for awhile; but after having two other movies based on the same premise, I would've much appreciated some solid answers at some point.

In this movie, almost no information is released- in the other movies a few awkward answers are vaguely attempted but never really explained.

So I'll try to convey what I interpreted from the movie.

The cube was built by a large group of engineers, with each room being built by a different group. This can help one fathom the fact that there actually WAS very little need for concern as to why it was being done. Maybe groups were presumably told it was for a government base (which it probably was, despite characters repeatedly saying the opposite)- and each group that built a room with a weapon were told "This is the only room like this. It is for emergencies pertaining to dangerous criminals who for whatever reason need to be killed." I would assume one group was assigned to creating the mechanics of the room movement, with an explanation of "This is how we transport officials. This is to keep out anyone who doesn't belong here- make the route as confusing as possible." The fact that Worth knows this information may well be why he is placed into the cube- because he knew too much.

As to how the cube actually moves, heck, I don't know. How were the pyramids built? If you can't answer, you may be surprised to find that they do in fact STILL EXIST. Engineers go to college for years to learn random stuff about the best way to move things. Besides that, you may be off in your calculation of how heavy the cube's rooms really are- everyone assumes that the cube has to be really thick and made of solid steel, but not necessarily. At the most in the film, it was holding no more weight than an elevator does.

The purpose of the cube is the same as why the cube was built- so two of your questions are asking the same thing.

Basically, despite attempts to correct this motive in another Cube film, the purpose is to conduct testing on people. Far sicker psychological studies have been conducted on animals, so why not on humans? This is pretty easy to figure out when you start to fully grasp all of the different personality types clashing under times of stress. The purpose of the cube, the reason it was built, could've been something as simple as "We want to know how humans of conflicting personalities will act during times where unexpected death can occur."

This information was just sort of guessed at as I watched the movie. Nothing fancy. Nothing too unbelievable. Sorta easy to imagine, if you look at it from the right perspective.


"Everything Burns"


I didn't much like the movie but it wasn't because they didn't explain the cube. In fact, the mystery of the Cube was one of the aspects I liked. It didn't need to be explained.

What I didn't like was how pathetic all the characters acted through out the whole thing.

But there is nothing wrong with a mystery staying a mystery. It would have been even worse had they explained the Cube.

I'm ready, let me eat her babies!


To me it was obvious the point of the movie was human nature. The cube is just a tool.

For example, who cares what's the brend of the hammer you're using to work a nail ? It's the working process on the nail that counts, any hammer can do the job... it's just a tool. Cube is the same idea.

It can be a complex device built by a secret government agency, so some kind a government conspiracy. Let's say to run some tests on people by placing them under presure. In order to prepare a war strategy or to know how to make people do what you want them to do.

It can also be an alien experiment. To see how evolve we are, or to understand our true nature. If so we can even wonder if they're doing it with some help from the government.

It can be a metaphoric vision of hell or purgatory. A cop who's obviously violent so potentially beating up people in his job. A dangerous criminal. A woman who turns out to have some issues with racism and who was obviously paranoid before entering the cube, what did all that bring her to do in her life ? Super mathematical skills for a young girl who maybe used it to work on some evil project, a bomb or something, or maybe will some day.

But all these theories come to the very same conclusion: it shows you how humans are acting when there's no reason to hyde behind a mask anymore, it shows you we're not real team players because as soon as the situation seems desperate it's everyone for himself, we don't give a 5hit about others.


All these questions can be applied to the universe and your existence. For the same reasons you can't answer these questions about the universe is the same reason I can't answer your questions. This movie is simply a metaphor for the earth and how we've been put on it. We don't know why we're here or how exactly we got here.


All these questions can be applied to the universe and your existence. For the same reasons you can't answer these questions about the universe is the same reason I can't answer your questions. This movie is simply a metaphor for the earth and how we've been put on it. We don't know why we're here or how exactly we got here.

That's also a very good one. I like it.


The film is definitely about the ultimate reality of our universe, which is in rational/scientific terms unexplainable. The characters have to be looked at as archetypes of man and not necessarily as conventional characters. People who mock the unrealistic behavior of the characters are viewing the film too literally in my opinion. The film is meant to be interpreted symbolically, and if analyzed through that perspective, there is a lot of meaning to be taken from the movie and the decisions made by the characters start do make more sense.

Worth, for example, typifies the average "skeptic" of today. Many people call our current age the "age of anxiety", which to me does make sense if we considering that there has never been a time in our history when man has been more uncertain about his place in the universe than in the last 200/300 years or so. Worth is the average "anxious" human being (or existentialist). He sees through the thinly veiled meaningless drudgery of the modern day everyday (get in your car, drive to work, work in your cubicle at stuff you have no interest whatsoever in doing, lunch break, keep working, drive back home, repeat), and concludes that the true meaning of things is that there is no meaning, he knows that he is complicit in the dissemination of this lie and illusion but doesn't understand anything beyond the lie and thinks that even if he tried he would not be able to arrive at an answer. Thus hates himself and does nothing. He is the Nihilist.

Quentin is obviously fascism, and on a broader interpretation, though most definitely fitting, he is also Patriarchy. Before the three main religions of today, during the time of the oldest pagan beliefs, women ruled the world and were actually worshiped as minor Gods. Incidentally, that was one of our most peaceful eras as a race. For this reason some people have attributed the characteristics of our imperial age (violent, competitive, controlling, determined, vengeful, etc. etc.) to the fact that we are ruled by institutions, governments, business etc, that are all controlled by men, who tend to be more aggressive than women. Quentin represents this archetypal MALE AUTHORITY in our world, which is selfish and irrational but it is able to dominate due to its raw strength.

Leaven represents Math. She is useful because she can tell us what is going on in the cube (it's behavior) but ultimately it cannot tell us anything about the nature of the cube. Thus she is mainly just a tool that the characters use to reach some end. If we look at the way Math has developed and what it has been telling us about the world, we see that in the turn of the 20th century with the assimilation of the idea of "relativity" Math has in fact started to tell us a lot about the nature of our universe. We know that it is infinite, chaotic, and we also know that time actually "exists" as a thing unto itself, apart from our physical world. Einstein theorized that both time and gravity existed in a dimension(s) parallel to ours and un-perceivable. I believe he called it "Spacetime"... The problem, however, with these type of mathematical expressions is that they are inherently "irrational" or rather, without possible explanation knowing what we know and think we will ever be able to know about reality. Thus Math describes the behavior of the truth, but it cannot tell us what the truth is.

Holloway is the "blind believer". She is stressed out, lonely, old, but for some reason she cannot stop having faith in human beings and the universe. (The Cube). She is kind of like today's paranoid liberals who are humanists, and mainly blame the governments and/or corporations for the evils of the world. Obviously, she is an extreme character, but viewed moderately she exemplifies the average Jungian psychologist, or New Age-y type person. She has faith in the Cube and Human beings, but her faith is an angry and uncertain one.

Kazan is very interesting. He symbolizes "The Holy Fool"... Throughout most of our history the mentally handicapped, and the crazy, were actually viewed as inherently holy. That is because people believed that true "wisdom" came only in madness. Of course, they didn't call it "madness" back then, instead they viewed it as "the word of God" or "prophecy" or "truth beyond truth" etc. Despite the fact that we like to mock the civilizations of our history and think of them as primitive and stupid (not completely without reason), one thing that people did know back then in the time during and before the Renaissance and before Positivism and Medical Materialism is that the real truth, whatever it may be, would necessarily have to mystic, because to describe the cube from within is impossible, simply due to the fact that the appropriate perspective can never be gained. Hence, people believed that those humans who behaved with a different sort of "reason" or in our modern day of thinking "mental retardation or psychosis" were actually probably closer to truth than those of conventional brain activity. In fact even with a civilization as great as the Greeks, drugged out priestesses were viewed as spreading the word of Apollo. This wasn't a belief for them, it was the truth, much as how it is today widely understood as truth that a drugged out woman or man is an "addict" and their views under psychedelic experiences are "deliriums". The "Holy Fool" is a literal term, it means he who out of apparent dumbness finds out the truth. He is able to do so because the "dumbness" is actually an understanding of a greater nature to our own, or rather,aspects of it are. The fact that Kazan is actually a mathematical genius (more than a genius, he does calculations that, according to the film, would be difficult to do using a computer) supports this interpretation in my opinion. Also if you know a little about Tarot Cards (directly referenced in the film) "The Fool" is the first trump (first card of the deck). The Tarot is supposedly meant to simultaneously symbolize the creation of the universe, the creation of human civilization, and the creation and development of the individual human being. The Fool is the card closest to the beginning of this process (i.e. Creation/God/the truth), Hermetic Qabalists (Like Alan Moore) who use the Torat describe The Fool as the path that leads to the heart of all existence. Thus, viewed from this perspective the character of Zank is a representation of the "innocence" and "foolishness". He is every converted Monk, born again Christian, Mother Theresa, Mozart, Einstein, or every artist who has sacrificed his life due to some dumb unexplainable urge that is beyond reason. He is every person who takes that leap of faith, sometimes unwittingly, and comes to understand that which is not understandable. The fact he is first introduced by falling from the one of the top rooms (in the tarot "The fool" is depicted as jumping off of a cliff) also supports this notion.

The French guy is a minor character. He symbolizes the average hustler, who thinks he is slick and that he knows all the ins and outs. The Cube (reality) puts him in his place, harshly.

Obviously, this is just my biased interpretation (is there any other), but I do think it fits in very nicely to what is portrayed on screen.


I know you wrote that explanation almost 2 years ago, but that was pretty awesome. I just watched the film, and wasn't crazy about it. However, I think I like it alot more after reading your post. You put some real context to the film. Thanks.

