MovieChat Forums > Cube (1997) Discussion > what was the main purpose of this movie....

what was the main purpose of this movie...i say...

i think this is a well made movie . of course it`s very mysterious and exactly because of that we can go anywhere we want with it. one of the word "cube", interpretations is us . living a 3dimentional life. we can call universe a cube actually. i get the filling this movie wants to talk about facts of our
born and wakeup in to this 3dimentional "cube" world. and face many harshness and difficulty . to gain what ?what is the real purpose of enduring such wildness for some of us... may be to find an exit uncover the real truth of our reality.we always needed to find it before our time gets ended. but as always confused with everything but the thruth.


original idea: aliens testing us. the cube was placed on an alien planet. the author/director changed his mind, because that was too cheap of an explanation in his mind.

eventual explanation, as given in the film by the character "worth":

- "Worth: This is an accident, a forgotten, perpetual public works project. You think anybody wants to ask questions? All they want is a clear conscience and a fat paycheck."

- "This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It, it's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you."

and finally:

Quentin: Why put people in it?
Worth: Because it's here. You have to use it, or you admit it's pointless.
Quentin: But it, it *is* pointless.
Worth: Quentin... that's my point.


after a couple of rewatches i came to the conclusion its a methphor of mankind and how different characters act in it.
once we woke up in the forest with a concience.
then we asked ourselves where do we come from, where are we going? why are we here?

we developed science and math to maneuver in this world, just to learn that we are simply apes on a planet. there was no reason to ever leave the forest.
also we go to where we came from.

i think at one point they swing outside the cube and touch the wall for a short moment. i think that was the moon landing. didnt the emphatic die after? capitalism killed communism


The purpose of the cube is what the audience wants it to be. I am very, very satisfied that they didn't give us an explanation. It's so much more thought-provoking when the why, how and where are undefined.

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


I totally agree, though I thought the explanations from Worth were even a bit much.. I thought it should've remained ambiguous as to where they were or the exact nature of their situation.


just like the Cube, the movie has no purpose.
just like life.
