Unrealistic Plot

This movie addresses 1940’s abortion with 21st Century mores. In the 1940s, young, upstanding, and attractive couples, like Candy and Wally, who were in love and planned to marry, did not have abortions. It just did not happen. Rather than committing an illegal and deadly sin, they would marry. My best friend in high school got his girlfriend pregnant in the 1950s. They were both around 16. Her parents went with an abortion. The poor girl waited on a certain street corner with a packed bag. When a certain car came along, she got in the back seat. A week later, she was dropped off at the same corner. Under the circumstances, this abortion was justified. The Candy and Wally situation was another matter and why didn’t they just get married? It isn’t like today when women get abortions because her pregnancy would interfere with her summer vacation. Abortion was very serious business back then and only pursued for a very good reason like Rose’s.


Simply because you weren't aware of it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The Wally character was from a family with plenty of money, when you have money you can always find a doctor willing to do things that aren't legal. Remember Dr. Larch was not making money hand over fist, he was a drug addict doctor who would have likely been more than willing to do anything for a buck. Some people don't want kids even if they could have them so they get abortions, that has been going on for centuries, just because you weren't aware of it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I was around before abortions were legal and it was an open secret as to how people could get them in my town and it wasn't standing by a bus corner or any shady thing like that.
