Best anime movie ever

This is definately my favorite anime movie of all time.Brilliant directing and a great story, the perfect example of a political thriller. what do you guys think? if you don't think this is it what is the anime movie you think is best?



"Took me three watches to understand it."

That's what happens when anime fans try to watch Patlabor.



Its not my favourite animè film / movie, but it is still one of my favourites.

At this moment in time, if I had to choose a favourite it would be Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence.

But still, the first two Patlabor films are still amongst my favourite animè entertainment and I regard them as great science-fiction films period.


Gotta check it out...

...just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isnt an invisible demon about to eat your face


It's like Miyazaki's films. There not "anime". They're films that are made using anime as a tool... not a means.

PS- The director of this made the GitS movies and the first 2 Patlabor movies. I wasn't suprised at all...


...After reading that statement twice, I still have no clue what you intended to say.

Anyway...not the best anime film ever, but it's a great one. My favorite anime films are Wings of Honneamise, Millennium Actress, The End of Evangelion, Princess Mononoke, Jin-Roh (story by Oshii), Paprika, and Ghost in the Shell.


"It's like Miyazaki's films. There not "anime". They're films that are made using anime as a tool... not a means."

you know some thing? THAT MAKES NO FREAKING SENSE!!!


Syndicateman means that they don't fit into the popular view of anime. What Syndicateman doesn't understand is that, unlike how it is viewed here, anime is not a genre; it is a medium.


Much like your remarks arent posts, they are really pretentious.

Imho, at a guess your the studenty types that name drop Anime movies in to feel superior.


Comparing this to any of the master Hayao Miyazaki, is well just wrong. "Princess Mononoke" is an absolute masterpiece while this is mildly enjoyable at the most. If you haven't seen Mononoke, or "Spirited Away" give those a try.



Well considering IMHO Hayao Miyazaki has never produced a good anime, this comment made me laugh!


It is one of the greats, but it makes the same mistake that so many movies based on series do, it assumes that you've watched the series. If you've never seen Patlabor before, you'll be lost in a lot of places. That may not be a big deal for Japanese audiences, but it is for American ones.


I didn't see the show until 5 years after and I understood everything just fine. I hated the show, too.

