MovieChat Forums > Election (1999) Discussion > Tracy is everything that's wrong with p...

Tracy is everything that's wrong with politicians

She exemplifies the issue perfectly. She really didn't care about other people. It was always about her personal gains,power and entitlement. Even her willingness to "tear down" the opponents, literally by tearing down their campaign banners.


Its called the real world...its tough out there..


And even though she is supposed to represent her people, she is unable to connect with them in any tangible way, including her peers. She can put on the face of someone who is nice and cares about people, but really she doesn't and sees herself as above everyone else.


Which is why it’s Obama’s favorite political movie.


She exemplifies Republicans.


And some democrats too, let's be real. There's a reason people compare Tracey to Hillary Clinton. Because Clinton, like Tracey, acted like she was entitled to the presidency (I say this as someone who didn't care for Trump either btw).


Fair enough.


Clinton acted like she was entitled to the presidency? How did you gauge that she was?


literally the words that came from her mouth. And she lost. BADLY. Despite all the computer errors to help her win primaries in NY. Despite the crap pulled in Colorado to prevent more primary voters voting for Bernie. And despite having debate moderators on her side, defending her, answering for, and feeding her questions before hand. What an embarrassment and disgrace to fair elections which hasnt been a thing in the U.S. in decades.


Saying it exemplifies [insert political party you hate here] is so tribal and silly. Do you really think your party of choice is superior to the others? Most politicians have these issues regardless of their gang colors
