Maybe it's me...

But it never looked like Mike officially called Teddy all in when he revealed his straight. all he did was slightly push his chips forward, and then throw his cards down. In real life he'd be called out on that, right?


The forward motion alone would be enough to constitute a call in some places. Also, he's not gonna fold the best hand possible lol.


Well obviously he's not folding. Only thing is it didn't look like he pushed it forward enough to call.


It's a call.

1) I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure the table at KGB's does not have a betting line. Actually now that I think more about it I'm VERY sure. In that case, forward motion alone makes it a call.

2) It is actually illegal to fold or only call with the nuts, because doing so is collusion. If you table the nuts when you're last to act on the river you win the pot regardless of whatever you wanted to do.

3) If KGB tried to do something that ridiculous and basically stole Mike's money, his reputation would be DESTROYED. Nobody would ever come play at his game.


All good points. Also KGB has the decency to admit when he's licked and say "pay that man his money" so it stands to reason he's an honorable player - he has to be, to your point, to run a successful business.


Correction: "Paay thet myen hiis myoney." Loved the movie, but, God, that accent...


NIET!! ay beet me... stdate aaap. paye hyim...



Other way around.

I remember seeing once a guy was going to call, and he reached forward and cradled his chips in that 'shoving them all in' position. He saw his opponents expression change and instantly changed his mind, despite not actually pushing the chips in.

It was ruled that his motion had to count as a bet. He was all in. He lost.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


kgb is allin so throwing/pushing just one chip is considered a call.

if necessary a count is done after cards are faced up.

what is irregular however in that final sequence is the way kgp put his chips one by one without having said how much he was raising. (either he speaks before either he puts them all at once)


what is irregular however in that final sequence is the way kgp put his chips one by one without having said how much he was raising. (either he speaks before either he puts them all at once)

Oh yeah. The good ol' string bet. That has gotten many a player in hot water at games I've played in. Splashing the pot, string betting, general taunting...poor etiquette.
