A great message to women

It doesn't matter if your career comes crashing down, as long as you meet a rich and handsome man, you've succeeded in life.

A great message to all the women out there.



An even better message is the one about how you should act like a stuck up bitch against people based on preconceptions you have against the company they work for/own.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


This is a really stupid post and you sound as though you have terrible luck with women. Good luck with that!


Guess I struck a nerve there huh? Meg Ryan's Character treats Tom's character like *beep* without him having done anything to her, you're the one posting stupid *beep* here, not me.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.



So if you flip burgers at mcDonalds and McDonalds opens up next to my burger joint that is going out of business because I can't be viable on that market, I should be a dick to you despite you having done nothing to me personally? In fact you come in and buy my burgers despite being the competition.

Business is business.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.



Well, Kathleen had doubts about her career as a store manager, and she was excited about trying out something new, like writing a book. I'm female and I wasn't offended at this. Besides, if she had really wanted her own bookstore to succeed, then she would have worked harder to keep it going. For example, she could have moved her business to another part of New York or something, or made changes to her store. For example, she could have started to sell something that wouldn't have existed in Fox Books.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


Gimme a fcking break.

I didn't think once on the fact that Joe was rich when they finally get together in the end. I was just so happy that these two people who belong together, have actually grown to love each other and are now able to get together.

Why do people insist on talking themselves out of enjoying these great movies of old when there's sooo much garbage coming out today?

If you analyze Hitchcock films to death, you can find a lot of problems with them morally. He films a horrible rape scene for crying out loud. It doesn't change how great and effective his movies were.


I couldn't have put it better myself. Even though I'm a widower and miss my wife so very much I can't help but be so happy for both of them every time I watch this. Like again just now.


The OP has a point: the Joe Fox character was not (necessarily) a hard-working or intelligent businessman - he only had the job because his father ran the company. Joe Fox knew Meg Ryan's character very well (on many levels, considering she was writing him emails detailing her personal thoughts and feelings since the beginning of the movie!). Yet, he still let her feel like an idiot waiting for him at the restaurant. He still made her bookstore go out of business (destroying not only her mother's legacy and making her - his supposed lover, "heartbroken" again, but also putting other people - her friends - out of work). He was a creep and the ultimate message was that marriage to this rich loser will solve all her problems.

Finally, you consider You've Got Mail as a "great movie of old"? And you're seriously comparing this movie to the works of Hitchcock?


Yet, he still let her feel like an idiot waiting for him at the restaurant.

I agree that was a pretty bad thing to do. But he was probably angry that, like she would have also felt, her online persona was different from her real life personality.

He still made her bookstore go out of business (destroying not only her mother's legacy and making her - his supposed lover, "heartbroken" again, but also putting other people - her friends - out of work).

I don't see how he made it go out of business, all he could have done was not opened the store, jacked up the store prices (in that store or all of them) or reduced his children's books selection; I guess the latter might not be too bad but any of them could lead to him having to lay off his employees. But he could have given her better advice on how to do better in business.


Oh for crying out loud. Movies exist for our entertainment. Their purpose is not, despite what many people may think, to educate nor convey positive messages. What other ending would you have preferred for a romantic comedy? The point of movies like YGM is simple enough. If a woman takes important decisions in her life based on what she sees in a movie she can't be very smart to begin with


Nothing wrong with that...


People lose jobs and change careers AAAALLLLL the time. Big deal. Sure it hurts in the moment but all grown ups deal with it. She was getting into writing and had a new career path. Life is always more enjoyable when you have a wonderful, romantic love life.

Cry me a river.

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