"New scenes"?

One of the other threads has a few references to "new scenes". My understanding was that the DVD reissue had some roughly-animated storyboards that were the only unused scenes. This was one of our all-time family favorites when the kids were younger but apparently I haven't kept up with recent developments.


The recently released Blu-ray features an extended version including new animated sequences. I haven't seen it yet but it's already available.

I'd too be interested how those scenes turned out, any opinions?


There are only 2 new scenes in the Signature Edition, which only add an extra 2 minutes to the film. They weren't "deleted" scenes, which is why the DVD release doesn't include rough versions, both scenes were not completed in time for the final release date and so were omitted. They were later completed for inclusion in the BluRay release. One scene is just a brief conversation between Dean and Hogarth's mother at the café, to further their relationship a little, the other is a dream sequence where the Robot has some sort of nightmare about being a weapon and causing mass-destruction. Overall, the new scenes don't add a great deal to the film, but they don't detract from it either. You can take them or leave them and still enjoy the film just as much because it's a great film.
