MovieChat Forums > Samurai Cop (2016) Discussion > How did you discover Samurai Cop?

How did you discover Samurai Cop?

I went to a sold-out screening of Ghostbusters on Halloween night 2011 and before the movie started there was a trailer for an upcoming midnight screening of Samurai Cop. I sat there thinking "this cannot be for real" as I almost suffocated with laughter.

For the rest of the night I was quoting "I want his head on this piano" to my girlfriend, who quickly got annoyed with it.

As soon as I got home I looked it up and, what do you know, it WAS real. I've been a fan ever since.

What about you?


I found it was I was searching the Internet for so bad they're good movies. It was the number one on a website, so I decided to go right ahead and buy the DVD. it was decision I don't regret. Bought the special edition DVD and crossing my fingers for a blu ray release.


In my case it was the excellent and quite entertaining review on the Fanboyflicks YouTube channel. See links below.

Part 1:
Part 2:


. m gkgfj


Just learned about it from watching "Half in the Bag"

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Chris Stuckman

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


In Germany this had it’s TV premiere in a comedy Show named SchlefaZ (abbr.: Die schlechtesten Filme aller Zeiten – The worst Movies of all Time). The Hosts (Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Ruetten) offered an interactive Drinking Game for the audience: Whenever the Joe Marshall character appeared with that long haired wig on his head a sign popped up on the screen and brave viewers were allowed to take a drink (preferably a specially created samurai cocktail or else other alcoholics). Priceless pure fun!



It was an elusive movie out of the "So bad it is good" clips from the past 15 years. My wife presented an early Christmas gift of the blu-ray Samurai Cop and Samurai Cop 2.

Samurai Cop was watched last night and it delivered.

Ive only watched the interviews and cant wait to watch the commentaries.




Space Ice's YouTube channel.
Check it out, he has some hilarious videos reviewing movies by Steven Seagal and Neil Breen.


Rifftrax or MST3K. I forget which.
