MovieChat Forums > Samurai Cop (2016) Discussion > Help Me Find Matt Hannon

Help Me Find Matt Hannon

It seems he has fallen off the face of the earth or something. If you are reading this comment, then you obviously have a love for the classic "Samurai Cop" and if like me, want to let Matt know how much we appreciate his work in the film. I have done a quick search through Facebook and so far, no luck. Almost everyone has a Facebook page these days, so it's likely he does also, just kinda hard to find. Anyway, I'm asking for anyone who has better people searching skills than I do to help me with this. Wouldn't it be something to track Matt down and get a commentary from the man himself? Damn, that gives me chills, lol.


You might already know that he passed away


My alive and well You Tube hello is available under Samurai Cop


All I can say is that I am alive and well. After watching a VHS copy of this movie given to me by Amir I immediately had myself cryogenically frozen in 1991 in hopes that when I was thawed out in 2013 this film would have disappeared. I was mistaken. I curse the Internet and You Tube. Actually it was a great comedy that just a few of us on set knew it would be. Plenty of thoughts and stories to share about the filming. Awaiting contact


Then what about this obituary? d=1439185&fh_id=10689 Was this a mistake? Someone else?

Get out of the WHEY! - Dr.Cheese (Santa Barbara,1987)


Not me brother. I have since legally changed my name ( not because of the release of Samurai Cop) and am alive and well. How can I post a photo with current proof that photo was taken here in March of 2014? Do you have E-mail address?


Just film a short video and post it on youtube, state the date that you recorded it and tell us a few stories about the making of Samurai Cop. You'll get thousands of views, guaranteed.


I will try to find time soon to record and post......


Please, please do.


Losing hope rapidly.


If you are alive make a video damnit!!

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


We are all dying to know whether the same black underpants were used and shared by the male characters in all the sex scenes in samurai cop!

"In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light"


I will have my daughter film a short clip first week in July to show all who care that I am still around and in hiding. She knows how to do this YouTube *beep* I would prefer to either have the dude that interviewed Robert and Peter on the Re-release DVD do interview or I will attend next screening at a theater on WORST FILMS EVER comedy night. I talked with Melissa about a year ago and tried to convince her to re-surface also. No go.


What we need to do is find my leading lady Janice Farley. She was *beep* hot. Her boy friend at the time was the guy that threatens to cut Marks dick off. First day of filming for me was the scene in the pool and we were making out in the water and he was just hanging out watching me Mac on his little fox......she had a stunning body.........


ah so her boyfriend is the dude who looks exactly like Vince McMahon hahahah. The scene where the Vince lookalike goes "I'll relieve you of this gift, this black gift" is my fav scene hahahaahaha.

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


Haha thats fantastic!!!

I'm eagerly awaiting this interview Matt! Please do not disappoint!


"In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light"


What's up with the black underwear fetish? I wore my own swim suit attire for pool scene (Amir's suggestion) and my own underpants for ridiculous love scenes with multiple women. I argued vehemently to not have stupid PG make out session with Melissa since it made Joe look more like Samurai Cock rather than Samurai Cop.......but as was par for the course it was do it,say it and act it the way Amir wanted it and as we all new while filming if it was ever released it would become one of the greatest comedies ever. We never thought it would ever be finished or seen so we just goofed around and continued on filming day here day there for seven months out of respect for Amir. That's why the wig I am seen wearing came to fruition cause Amir told me he had enough footage and film was done so I cut my hair short for another film and then 2 months later he called me to come back for some pick up shots.... Jokes on us:)


Wow thanks so much! Its awesome to get some insight, you've actually answered a lot of my questions.

There's a website called Red Letter Media who review B movies on a show called best of the worst. They have a commentary track for Samurai Cop:

Thats how I got into the film. And now I love it!

But during the commentary they wonder whether the same black underwear were used for every scene seeing how they look identical. They also were wondering about the wig too and also whether you were alive or not :)

You should try and contact them on their website. They'd love to hear from you Matt!

"In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light"


Wow Matt!!! I am so happy you are alive! I have just become a huge fan of the movie and yours. I am re-watching it now while listening to the commentary track that the guys from Red Letter Media did.
Greetings from Finland!!!


To have a "Fan" from this ridiculous comedy is truly an achievement. I have my daughter posting a quick hello on you tube entitled Samurai Cop and I will do a couple overall thoughts and memories I had regarding the overall film and the behind the scenes arguments and complete disbelief in what we all as Actors were thinking while dealing with Amir and his " vision" :) Should be up soon. Take care, have fun........


Are you aware of the fact that imdb seems to think that you are dead. Bring us the interview damnit!
I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


Thanks dude! I appreciate it.
Have fun you too!


By the way, I wish I could be in L.A. next week at the Cine Family Theater!!!! Such a pity I live in Finland.
Cannot wait for Samurai Cop 2. Of course I contributed humbly to the kickstarter campaign for Samurai Cop 2.

Regards from Finland!



Thanks so much Carles for your contribution we are slowly creeping towards goal. I'm sure that we will have some footage of the evening here in LA posted up on the Amir Shervan Facebook page or maybe my official Facebook page will be up and running by then. I was forced by the suits to create one:) I might also post it on my YouTube channel under Best wishes, M.


You tube now has my proof video posted under Samurai Cop.I will set some time aside and spill the beans on what the hell was really going on during filming.


Just thought I'd help everyone out with a clickable link to the youtube video.

Good to see you're alive and well, Matt! And thank you for Samurai Cop - a bona fide modern masterpiece.


Awesome. Can't wait.

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


Go get you Samurai Cop fix on You Tube:)


Matt Hannon please post a video and show yourself! You have so many adoring fans!

"In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light"


So awesome of you to take time to reply to the fans here. cant wait to see your conversation with Red Letter Media...i myself was a special guest of theirs earlier this year and had alot of fun. Bob Z'Dar actually got me involved as an extra on my first film ZOMBIEGEDDON like 10 years ago. To this day i still do my own indie works here and there with SKULL FOREST being the most popular i guess :) Again, awesome to see someone interacting with the fans form SAMURAI COP!
Len Kabasinski
KillerWolf Films


You Tube hello complete


Watching this flick as I type this. This is the film my next screenplay will be inspired by. Already did the good "bad" slasher genre and now its time for the good "bad" cop flick. God I love writing B Movies! The characters are a stereo-typed blast to write! Thanks for the movie.


Quick You Tube hello is now up of me alive and well under Samurai Cop. Will follow up soon with behind the scenes interview.



Matt, we would LOVE to dedicate a show to you and hear all your stories both past and present.

Have a look at our "In Conversation With" page (we had a show with Mark Frazer last month):

Please feel free to contact us ANYTIME.


If you could, go ahead and Email me with your contact info at Also the link with Marks interview. Thanks, Matt


oh wow, this is amazing. i've been imposing this wonderful piece of film on everyone around me who'll watch. hands down one of my favourites. thank you for getting in touch!


Glad to see you're alive and online. As you had stopped appearing in films and Samurai Cop became some midnight cult hit, people tried to find out what happened to you, they googled your name to discover an online obituary for a carpenter who had briefly worked on film sets, and they assumed you were the same guy. Mark Frazer was MIA for a quite a while (still according to the Internet) and resurfaced last year for the DVD re-release on Epoch Films. He also has a Facebook presence:

You have no idea of how many people can still discover and become fan of Samurai Cop even today. I actually used for months the scene where you bring the birthday cake to Jannis to wish friends happy birthday. I just overdubbed the actual first name of the person as bad as i could and it worked.


Great....:( one of my many vocal low points. Amir had us improvise that scene and unfortunately that's the best Jannjs and I could come up with. Of course my first choice would have been to some how mix the cake and love scene together but that would have given us a hard R rating :)~


Jannis ........


This is unreal...I was just going through some mp4s I had on my computer and saw Samurai Cop, I started it up and my wife came in. She said, go to that scene where he had that wig on...we were hysterical. I said that I wonder why no one can find the lead actor. I checked IMDB and I could not believe it....HE LIVES! Great to see you alive and well. Would love to see an in=depth interview about this absolute classic film. We need a kickstarter for Samurai Cop 2!!!!


Go to many scenes that Amir had me in that goofy wig you mean. I still remember Amir in his office in Silver Lake when I walked in with my hair cut short and he just absolutely started flipping out. It had been 4 mo past him saying to me " that's a wrap, I've got enough footage to complete movie". Obviously not. He took me immediately to a Wig shop on Hollywood Blvd and started having me try them on. I was cracking up thinking there's no way this is gonna look good, and guess what, I was right LOL :)


First off, very happy to see you're still around. Samurai Cop is one of my top favorite "bad" movies of all time. There's bad where the movie just sucks, and then there's this, where it entertains people.

I wanted to ask you about another film you made called American Revenge. I got a chance to see this, and after seeing you play the hero s many times in Samurai Cop, it's startling to see you play the lead villain. The movie wasn't as entertaining as Samurai, but you were a real high point in it. Anything you remember about that film (shot on video)?

I'll throw my hat into the many others who'd like to interview you for my website, but if not I'm just glad to see you're still around sir.


That movie I actually shot in Nov 1989 in Las Vegas with a friend of mine at the time the guy playing good guy partnered up with Jimmy VanPatton. That took 1 week and was just for the dough, I think 3,000 or 4,000 for a nice Vaca. That whole movie was non scripted and we each made up are own dialogue. That movie also was a one take only. That fight scene started out choreographed then AD forgot a sequence and we just started making the punches and kicks up as we went along. The sun was setting and we had to hurry up and finish so we could find our way back to the main road out otherwise we would have been stranded in our cars with no lights overhead to guide us back through the desert to town. I also was able to take a second body guarding job while I was there for movie shoot. It was for Louis Gosset Jr. I was assigned to take him to the Leonard Duran 3 fight at the just opened Mirage Hotel and Casino. After I took him down to ring side seat if his I went back up to main entrance and saw my old boss Sylvester Stallone with Chevy Chase all alone with none of Slys regular bodyguards with him so I asked him if he wanted me to take them down ringside to their seats which he did. It was ironic that he was there in Vegas while I was shooting movie and I had just recently left working for him after 2 1/2 years so I could go after my ambitions of becoming a working Actor. As you can see that was a brilliant career move. LOL


There's nothing cooler than that wig you wore. I'd love to find one similar and hit the city and see if people react hahaha.

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


It depends on what you would be doing once you put the wig on my friend. :)


I'd pick up women and use lines such as "I may stop by later so keep it warm" hahaha.

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


Another one of Amir's classic pieces of dialogue. No one will ever know how hard we all fought to have him just buckle the tiniest bit to alter,change or remove completely his written words. But alas it was never to be as you now see.........


Amir's awesome dialogue is one of the many great things with Samurai Cop. Especially when that Vince Mcmahon lookalike threatens to cut Mark's dick and goes "I'll relieve you of this gift, this black gift". A big WTF.

Has your family seen the movie? If so then what do they think of it?

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


Amazing tune!



Brilliant use of classic dialogue. Makes it a little easier for me to here those words again.


You are my hero. I can't believe how late I am to the party! This movie is easily one of my favorites. Sandwiched right up there between Pulp Fiction and The Departed. Seriously, there is little as perfectly entertaining as samurai cop. It's just amazing on multiple levels.

Thank you Matt! You are awesome and a cool smart dude in your interviews!


That was absolutely amazing indeedy!


Had shown them a time coded print 23 years ago with VHS tape Amir had given me. I regretted it after the credits began to roll. The look on my Moms face was enough to make me want to change my family birth name........ oh wait a minute that is what I did........:) No they laughed and enjoyed the absurdity of it and said " all the great Actors and performers always have 1 film they wish they had never done". Well having 24 years go by and having this cult following has now some how now made it worth the ride. So out of hiding I come.....,,,,


how was it working for sly? did you get any contacts? until then "Keep it warm"

I am Tigro, bow down to my greatness.


Now that you have resurfaced, it has given me renewed hope that both Tupac and Elvis are alive as well.

Thanks for coming back and getting in touch with your many fans! Looking forward to hearing more stories!


Out of curiosity, when did you find out that the movie had been "found". I thought it had a very limited VHS release at one point back in the day but it was probably completely unknown until the DVD. Did you ever hear the Joe Bob Briggs commentary on the first dvd release....pretty funny.


Jesus Christ, Matt Hannon lives. I was absolutely crushed when he "passed". Samurai Cop is legit one of my most watched films of all time, thanks to the brilliant Joe Bob Briggs commentary.

Me and my friends watched this film dozens of times. I introduce it to every new friend I make LOL. It's that fun! It's our new Big Trouble In Little China. Except alot crappier than Carpenter's great film. But just as fun! Samurai Cop has a lot of heart...a difformed, bizarre heart, but a heart none the less.

It's really bad, but also perfect in every way. Oh my God, Matt Hannon lives! We had a drink in his honor after he "died". But he lives! Best. Week. Ever.


Matt is going to be doing a conversation video with RedLetterMedia:

I bet this is going to be awesome!! Can't wait to see this :)


The Cinefamily in Los Angeles screened Samurai Cop last night and Matt Hannon and other cast members did a Q & A. Matt said that he and Mark Frazer did commentaries or a commentary for the upcoming Blu-ray. I'm not sure if they did a commentary together or separately. There's currently a Kickstarter page for Samurai Cop 2. (I'm not affiliated with it in any way.)


Go to the website for the podcast "Proudly Resents" and the new episode is an hour long interview with Matt Hannon


Thanks for your insights Matt, great fun
