My new favorite movie

Wow, this movie was honestly effin incredible in its own hilarious way. I have not laughed so hard in a while and Matt Hannons humbled interviews just make me like it more.

There is just so much to it.. Like you CANNOT replicate a movie like this.

Dubbing, wigs, editing, music, awful jokes, setting, funny violence, randomness.. All by a director who just thought this stuff was genius.

The story behind it all being made... I just can't get enough!

I only wish the DVD version had that original hilarious cover that made no sense.

Seriously this is in its own tier imo troll 2 & the room don't compare.

reply with ya. Just discovered this masterpiece last week. Cant believe its been off my radar for so long.

Some stuff for you to consider...if you want to go down the rabit hole....

* If you do podcasts via Itunes, go in and search for "Samurai Cop", i found a few podcasts that interviewed the main guy (he goes by two different names) and they are awesome. He's very humble and tells great stories.

* Samurai Cop 2: alot of folks dont like it. its tough to make a modern movie based on a "good/bad" movie and not have it just end up "bad/bad". As for me, i kinda enjoyed it for being bat-sh@t-crazy.

* There's one more click-to-pick in the good/bad movie arena that you need to see, if you havent, Miami Connection. Its crazy fun. One option to watch (which i used) was to get it from Rifftrax where the MST3K guys make fun of it as you watch.


Welcome to the club pal. I've been laughing at this movie since around 2007. It never gets old upon re-watch except for the seemingly limitless amount of cat and mouse shootouts. That really gets old because every shootout is almost exactly the same. Amir really knew how to make unintentional comedy.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go train with the masters in Japan.


Lol I agree 100%. The shootouts drag on forever but they do contain some of the most hilarious deaths and stupid moments just watching the 'bad guys' clumsily maneuver around the trees.

Anyone know where to get the Joe Bob Briggs commentary? Can't find it anywhere or is it included in the DVD?


The DVD you're looking for is from Media Blasters/Guilty Pleasures, but Cinema Epoch now somehow has the distribution rights. I'm lucky enough to own a copy, however this DVD came out in 2004. For whatever reason they decided not to include it on the Cinema Epoch Blu-Ray release which is unfortunate. I mean Joe Bob and Media Blasters are really the ones who brought this film out of obscurity. You should be able to get it off of ebay. It's on Amazon but the price is ridiculous I'm assuming due to the fact that it's out of print.
