Michael Magee

Anyone know what's become of Michael Magee? Met him back in the mid-70's when he was signing copies of his first book 'The Golden Age of BS' & was dressed as his alter-ego 'Fred C. Dobbs' who was listed as the author of the book. He later wrote 'The Platinum Age of BS'. Had his own show on TVOntario in the 70's called 'Magee & Company', playing various characters, including the Dobbs one. Very nice guy.


I'd like to know too.I had a " cartoon crush " on Cyril Sneer lol.Mind you, i usually do like bad guys in cartoons,films,e.t.c.


I think I liked him the best. He had to be a cool guy to play a part like that. Even though he became more of a softy as the years went on. I loved how he always came up with new insulting names to call the pigs.
