How did it end ?

I was just wondering if it had any sort of ending ?


I wish someone would reply by lives basically on hold until i find out the answer


The last episode broadcast is "Go For Gold", in which Cyril Sneer retires and Cedric takes over the family business. Bert competes against Lisa and a con artist in a sports competition sponsored by Cedric (he got sucked into doing it by the con artist). Eventually Bert, Cedric and Lisa figure out what's going on. Lisa and Bert make up after the argument they had about the competition, and after Lisa is knocked out of the race by the con artist, Bert is motivated enough to win, although he rips his sweater. Eventually Cyril comes out of retirement, and he and Cedric start running the business together, as a father-son team. Bert ends up giving Lisa the trophy he won, because he feels that she deserves.

However, while that was the last episode broadcast, the series finale was actually shown just before that one, and it's called "The One That Got Away". Here's a description written of it on thenewraccoons Yahoo group, by Justin Jackrabbit:

In "The One That Got Away", Bert & Cedric reveal their secret fishing hole to Bentley, even going as far as to make him swear an oath of secrecy. Bert & Cedric tell Bentley about Old Tom, the "biggest, wilyest, fightin'est catfish there ever was", living in the pond. After spotting Old Tom, the three friends vow to catch him after years of failure.

Later at a boardroom meeting, Mr. Knox and Cyril Sneer are having creative differences on how to market their new line of environmentally safe foods & household cleaners. Cyril Sneer votes for the "pink alernative" while Mr. Knox "insists on the green alternative". When Cedric catches up to them, Cyril asks for his advice and Cedric replies, "Gee, they're both nice, but if it were me I would go with something that represents the unspoiled beauty of nature... something special". After a moments thought, Cyril concedes to Cedric's genius adding with a chuckle that "it must run in the family" and walks out with Mr. Knox in tail, yelling at the pigs to fetch a camera.

The Pigs, hoping that the photo job won't take long talk amongst themselves about their plan to do a "moonlighting" job for an anonymous employer. They don't want Cyril Sneer to know.

Meanwhile at Mr. WIllows shop, Bert is shopping for a "lucky hat" that will help him catch Old Tom. Mr.Willow inquires asking Bert if he's still after some "mysterious monster fish that lives in some mysterious pond". Bentley almost spills the beans in Bert's defense and Bert has to palm mute Bentley's mouth exclaiming "Bentley! You Promised!" Mr. Willow smiles, understanding that it's still a special secret to Bert.

Later the Pigs run into the store realizing that they have no film for their camera. Seeing that the Pigs don't know which sort of film to buy, Bentley offers to help. Bert meanwhile walks over to Cyril's limo to casually ask Cryil what he's up to, but of course Cyril says little. Bert turns to spot Bentley talking to the Pigs inside the store and looks on questionably.

Cyril Sneer takes Mr. Knox to the very same fishing hole that Bert, Cedric & Bentley were at earlier. Mr. Knox agrees wholeheartedly with Cyril about the fishing hole's "unspoiled beauty" adding that "it is the perfect choice for our corporate symbol". Cyril reminisces about the times he used to spend there fishing for Old Tom. He asks Mr. Knox if he would keep the place a secret and the two shake hands. The Pigs snap photos of the pond.

At night, The Pigs sneak off to an ominous warehouse to meet their anonymous employer. Inside, a spotlight is shined down on the Pigs blinding to them to the man who reveals himself by voice to be Milton Midas. Midas explains that he's looking for "three young stout fellows who don't ask questions and like the sound of $1,000 dollar bills". Midas asks the Pigs to dispose of some barrels sitting off at the far end of the warehouse the next night. As the Pigs agree to the deal and leave, Milton Midas walks over to the barrels and paints over poison labels on them laughing to himself, "Kids".

The next day, The staff of the Evergreen Standard is at a press conference hosted by Cyril Sneer and Mr. Knox. After they pitch their environmentally safe products to the press, they open a curtain behind them to reveal a picture of their "seal of commitment to a better world". Bert & Cedric are shocked. "Why... that's our secret fishing hole!" exclaims Bert. "Um, not anymore Bert." answers Cedric matter-of-factly.

Later at Bentley & Lisa's house, Bentley is attempting to tease Lisa about his knowledge of the secret fishing hole, even as Lisa blatantly ignores him. As Bert & Cedric arrive on their bikes, Bentley slyly adds back to Lisa, "we're off to go to our secret fishing hole", but Bert & Cedric stare down at Bentley with scowls on their faces, figuring that he must have spilled the beans. Bentley maintains his innocence even as Bert & Cedric take off.

At night, The Pigs return to the warehouse to pick up the barrels. When they ask Milton Midas about what's in the barrels, he answers, "I believe we agreed, no questions", throwing a wad of money at the pigs feet. The pigs agree, "Oh yes sir, no questions... um, where should we dump the barrels?" Milton retorts, "I'm paying you to use your brains... find a place!" The pigs nod and take off, while Midas laughs to himself again, "Kids".

The Pigs drive off in a truck with the barrels and arrive at the edge of a dark cliff. "This is as good a place as any", says One. They dump the barrels and leave, but as the barrels settle into the river below, the poisonous contents leak out of the barrels and into the water which flows into the fishing hole.

The next morning, Bert & Cedric walk off to the fishing hole, still disappointed in thinking that Bentley had told. When they arrive at the fishing hole, they are shocked to discover that it is full of poison and phosphates, and everything in and around the pond is dead.

Meanwhile, Bentley catches up with Cyril Sneer at the conference hall to ask if he could help him explain to Bert & Cedric that he didn't tell anyone about the fishing hole. Cyril, laughing, explains that he knew about the fishing hole since he was "knee high to a net profit". Even as he explains that he's not going to tell anyone about the pond and is just using the picture for promotion, Bert & Cedric enter frantically telling them about the disaster at the pond. "Everything is dead. Even Old Tom's dead!" Bert cries. Cyril, looking shocked, follows them back to the pond.

Cyril, Bert, Cedric and The Pigs discover the barrels in the river with dismay. "How could they do it?!" cries Bert. "They just didn't care", answers Cedric, sadly. As Bert goes to pull the barrels out of the river , Cyril grabs his hand and stops him, explaining that the barrels are dangerous. They agree to call Professor Smedley Smite. The Pigs look on guiltfully.

Back at Sneer Mansion Cyril calls the Professor, but the news is grim, and Cyril learns that the pond is lost. He turns to the Pigs and vows that "we are going to find out who did this if it's the last thing we do". The Pigs confess to their crime reasoning that they did not know who hired them or what was in the barrels and that they were paid a lot of money. Cyril, angered at the last part, begins to throw money at them asking if he could buy back the fishing hole, but the pigs just sulk.

Later, at Milton Midas's office, Cyril & Mr. Knox barge in, and begin to inquire about his warehouse where the barrels came from. They explain that they've come to return some of his missing property. Then the pigs brake through his wall with a forklift containing the barrels. The Pigs set the barrels down on Midas's desk which is crushed by the weight. The Pigs throw Midas back his money claiming "we dont want it, we wish we never even seen it". Midas panicking pleads to come to some accomodation. Cyril fixes Midas's tie and signals for the police which come in arrest Midas. Bert, Cedric, Bentley and the media look on. "That's my Pap, the environmental crusader", says Cedric to Bentley.

Back at the pond, The Pigs work feverishly in radiation suits to clean up the poison. Bert, Cedric, Bentley, Ralph, Melissa, Cyril Sneer, Mr. Knox, and Mr. Willow all look on with sadness. Bert realizes that all these people knew about the pond and apologizes to Bentley for thinking he had spilled the beans. Bert concedes that the pond belonged to everybody. Cyril agrees saying "It was a good place, at least we've got our memories". But Bentley sulks. "I didn't. I never got the chance". "Maybe, but feeling sorry about it isn't going to change anything" replies Cedric. "You're right Cedric. It's up to us. We've got to change things." says Bentley.

The adults begin to walk away in packs, but Bentley stays behind and gently weeps into the pond as flashbacks of the times the adults spent at the pond play through his minds eye, and a vision of Old Tom, swims just out of his reach.
The song "Ain't No Planes" plays.

A pretty depressing, but well-done end.


Thanks drawah64 for clearing that one up for me, thinking back I can rember both of those episodes.
