The opening...

I loved the Raccoons but I'm trying to remember what the voice over guy said at the top of the show...

I know it had in it "quiet, peaceful serene..."

but due to it being nearly 15 years since I last saw the show, I just can't remember it at all...

Could someone please post it for me, I'd would be forever grateful.


I am Bert Raccoons personal nose-wiper.


This is the Evergreen Forest.
Calm, peaceful, serene.
That is until Bert Raccoon wakes up.
Luckily he has some good friends to help him out.
Life would be simple in the forest except for Cyril Sneer.
And his life would be simple except for The Raccoons.

I answered it myself!!!

I am a dangerious mouse


Actually you had it right the first time-- it's "quiet" not "calm"

But it's not a big difference anyway. :P
