Schaffer and Broo

Why is it that Schaffer (the sheepdog) can walk upright and talk and all the rest and Broo (the puppy) runs on all fours and barks? Is he just a baby? Is this the equivalent of crawling and go-go ga-ga? I have always wondered.

Turn a frown upside down...and keep frowning.


I think the reason is that there are regular animals and anthro animals in this cartoon. Broo is a regular animal, like in our world, and is thus a pet, first to the humans and afterwards to Bert. The anthro animals, like Bert, Ralph but also Schaeffer are "human".


I still don't understand? Why would most be anthro's and only few be regular animals? And how do the regs and anthro's communicate? And I thought Broo and Schaffer were realted?

The suspense is terrible... I hope it lasts


Yeah, you'd think they are related but there was no real prove to that ever.

And I can't answer your first question, it's just the way it seemed to me. I guess the makers just wanted to give the heroes a little sidekick. What's true for Broo is also true for Cyril's dog Snag.


I used to think that Schaeffer was a bear. And that's why he could talk. I said that to someone the other day and they called me an idiot. It was nice... but I was like 6 when I thought that. I will never admit it again.
