Lisa Lougheed

Whatever happened to Lisa Lougheed who sang "Run With Us"? I bought her two albums "World Love" and "Peace and Harmony" and they contain some great mid 1990s dance music. It's a shame she never released any more solo work (or did she)? Last thing I heard about her was that she was one of the backing singers on Celine Dion's "I'm Your Angel" and lives in Chicago, married to another singer with at least one child. I think it's a shame that Lisa never got more famous than she did, I always thought she had a great voice and was very beautiful and enjoyed her style of music. I've always wanted to write to her for an autograph but tracing her seems to be impossible, it's like she just dropped off the face of the earth (not that she seemed well regonized even when she was around - nobody I know has heard of her by name and I think her albums were only released in Canada?).

Any other LL fans here?


I remember her (I'm Canadian) .... She had really curly hair... She sang world love..Love Vibe.... She did the voice for Lisa Raccoon and voices on Vid Kids and was a back up singer on a few R. Kelly albums... I think I remember her from listening to am640 and 680... remember thoes great stations??

" I said to him, if this is a house of pancakes, how come I can't eat the walls" - Homer
