The Australian Joke

I love this movie, but as an Aussie I've never understood the joke where Coop pulls down Squeaks pants and says something like "it's not a gay joke, it's an Australian joke" - I really must be missing something, can anyone explain please?


Firstly it was a gay joke, he was just trying to bs his way out of it. He was doing a Steve Irwin impression or some sort of nature/wild life show host saying that in San Fransisco an arse is a vagina... To gay people anyway.

It was also a distraction as the other player thought it was disgusting to see a bütt he did not find attractive.


Thanks - any Australian/Steve Irwin reference was completely lost on me.


Plus, at the time there were a series of Fosters Beer Commercials that had the slogan, "How to speak Australian...," in them.

"In his house at Rl'yeh, dead Cthulhu waits, dreaming."


Yes that is what they're referencing. It had nothing to do with the crocodile hunter. They were making fun of these commercials, which were very popular at the time.
