MovieChat Forums > BASEketball (1998) Discussion > Come up with other BASEketball team name...

Come up with other BASEketball team names

Since it seems like most of the team names were based on a stereotype or funny/bad thing their hometown is known for, let's come up with some others:

Utah Missionaries
Colorado/Virginia Massacres
New Orleans Hurricanes
Detroit Gangsters
Oklahoma Bombers
South Carolina Rebels
Topeka Protesters

Any others?



Minneapolis Failures
Seriously- can ANY of out professional teams win? Twins suck. Timberwolves suck. Wild suck. Vikings are doing ok this year but there's a 10-1 shot they will blow it.

--A trusted name since 2009
--Perhaps you're wondering why there is a pumpkin on my head?


The colorado and virgina one is stupid I mean school shootings?? Way overrated and too know.

The reason Wacko Jacko died is because it's heart just couldn't BEAT IT anymore.


"The colorado and virgina one is stupid I mean school shootings?? Way overrated and too know. "

I guess illiteracy is next to, Father?

I am a man and I would gladly give birth to a baby if it were Keira Knightley's.


I guess being so damn Un-ignroant and STUPID to think school shootings are the only thing I know about states and someone must be a pries NO DOUBT if they have father in there name?



Father Anthonis, why do you think "Colorado Massacres" has anything to do with "school shootings?" I'm not even FROM the United States and I can think of many other possible reasons why "Colorado Massacres" (and "Virginia Massacres") makes sense. What about the Ludlow Massacre of April 20th, 1914? Or the "Sandcreek Massacre" of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians on November 29, 1864? In Virginia there is the famous "Indian Massacre" of 1622. Or the "Fort Seybert Massacre" in West Virginia in 1758? And on and on. You could take any state and/or city and add "Massacre" to the end and it would most likely make sense and relate to history. Humans are fundamentally violent, the difference with Americans is that, whether it's deserved or not, Americans have a reputation in general for being proud of their violence/wars/atrocities/OT attitudes.

And even if the OP was referring to school shootings, so what? It's not politically correct, is that it? Let's be blunt, like I said, I am not American, and when I think of Colorado, school shootings is a well-known stereotype not just in the US but around the world. Last time I checked, America was the only first-world country to still practice the death penalty by law. Point made.

"I want to believe."- Fox Mulder, The X-Files




Father Anthonis - I know that its 2 years later but hows that burn feeling???

Lets build a snowman!


Father Anthonis - I know that it's 4 years later but hows that burn feeling after all these years???

Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.


You should try being a Cleveland fan jc hbk- OUR most recent championship was 1964 -the AFL equivalent of the Super Bowl. Since then we've come close a couple times- 1997 World Series and making the 2007 NBA Finals. At least Minnesota has the 87 and 91 World Series victories.


Makes it kinda hard to get excited for the season doesn't it? Yikes, I didn't realize there was a worse record than Minnesota. I guess I'm just sick of our teams trading anyone that's good.

ooh...a piece of candy


LA Smog
Detroit Unemployed
New York Traffic



The DC Hacks

God bless America and the 'Ignore this User' link.


The LA Wildfires
The Port Au Prince Tremors


Wyoming Homophobes
Florida Hanging Chads
New York Terrorists
D.C. Snipers


Kansas City Dorothys


Washington Bullets (oh wait, that's been done)
Seattle Baristas
Vancouver Pot smokers
Utah Polygamists
Tijuana Hookers


The LA Smog....nice one. We're getting better with the smog though.

My Sig: Nothing Here.


Tuskegee Syphilis
Alaska Retards (all cheerleaders could dress like Sarah Palin)
Arkansas BJ's
NYC Airplanes
California Stoners
Dallas Grassy Knolls



Florida Pacemakers
San Fransisco Smug
Utah Mormons
Texas Texans from Texas or Texas Gay-haters
Quebec Poutines

If you look like your passport picture... you need the trip!


Minnesota Spitzers.
New York Hooker *beep*
Chicago Olympics.
