MovieChat Forums > BASEketball (1998) Discussion > Do Matt and Trey not like this movie?

Do Matt and Trey not like this movie?

When Stan and Kenny try to get thier money back from Mel Gibson they say, this is just like the time we got out money back from Baseketball. Do they dislike the movie or were there problems? Just wondering since I really love it and think it's hilarious.

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."


Nah, I think they're just taking the piss out of themselves.


the hell does taking the piss out of them selves mean? this is america, speak american.




This is not America.

"That's pretty dangerous; building a road in the middle of the street."


Sha la la la la.



This is 'murica, stupid yanks



the hell does taking the piss out of them selves mean? this is america, speak american.

What an arrogant dickhead comment. Way to give Americans a bad name!



Mocking, if you dont understand english


lol speak American.... ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to the American Educational System :)

"Why the hell would you dress up as Evil Knievel?" -- Principal Victoria


Do you honestly think that isn't a joke?

I haven't heard someone say that with a serious tone in years.

Also in this particular scenario it does make sense (American slang/sayings are different from English slang/sayings, same goes for Australia, Canada etc.)

"Taking the piss out of themselves" does not translate to "making fun of themselves" if going by the American usage of the words.

We're building the world's largest Snowman in central park SNOW SUIT-UP!



I'm not saying America has a piss-poor educational system because you and Europe have different slang. Every country is slightly tweaked in that way.

I'm saying America has a piss-poor educational system because you actually refer to the English language as American. I'm not sure if that's stupidity or ignorance but if your country shares your opinion then that doesn't say much for them.

Cigs are like Squirrels. They're both harmless 'til you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.


They are not referring to the language as American, they are referring to the dialect.


JC - stop being such a pussy, it was obvious he was making a joke



Actually I think I heard that they didn't care much for this movie.

I personally thought it was hilarious though.

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


I recall them sying in a magazine they thought it was stupid. Maybe they didn't like it because or bombed, or wasn't their own work? It did bomb right?

I love the film honestly.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


It IS stupid. But thats why its funny.

Formerly known as phllpmtthws


I seem to recall reading somewhere that they don't like it because they had no creative control. I guess there are things they would have done differently.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!



that they don't like it because they had no creative control.
Parkers fingerprints are all over this, you can tell. And it is really a very funny movie. I really am surprised he doesn't like it. If I had to guess he just didn't enjoy the experience and it reflects negatively on how he sees it. This was early on in his career so lots of things could have soured him. Mainly not running the show I bet.

He has proven himself quit brilliant over the last decade to be sure, but he is not only always in control, he is generally 90% of the end product. I think the way he treats this movie is just not fair. It didn't do well so he trashed it. But I have to think more background is involved. If this movie came out today with a little better production value it would be a smash hit. Well, maybe not today but 6 or so years later than it did.

I'm almost positive it was the experience he dislikes, not the product. He has been trashing the entertainment machine and its players for over a decade and I bet it has to do with his early experiences. Not only did he not walk away from the game, he took control and made 100 million doing it his way. So whatever it was it was behind the scenes and not the product I'm sure.

This movie, for the kind of movie it is, is brilliant and great fun

I know a lot of hard core Trey fans hate this movie because he does and that's just stupid. Think for yourself. It really is as someone else said one of the last good parody movies


Maybe their relationship changed after they made out and that's why they don't like it.


It was incredibly stupid, but it was supposed to be, and it turned out really funny.


Trey and Matt don't really like BASEketball, no...they were just actors in this movie, unlike any of their other work where they write and direct everything. This was a David Zucker movie filled with his typical stupid slapstick humor, which Trey and Matt called "derp jokes," like how they made fun of Rob Schneider's movies. People falling down, getting hit in the balls, dumb physical comedy like that.

The password is Fidelio


Baseketball is far from a Rob Schneider movie, and just because it's a different type of humor, doesn't make it any less than another type. Physical comedy isn't just "hah hah, he got hit in the nuts", it's all very situational and tonal. In fact, good slapstick is harder to do right than a lot of others.

But Baseketball is more farcical/off-color humor than "slapstick", even though slapstick is very prevalent. Most of the biggest laughs aren't from the slapstick jokes though.


It's true most people can easily dislike a movie like this, sadly even Trey & Matt. "Real" cinema lovers as myself would prefer a comedy with smart jokes and great acting. Well, not entirely true. I personally love this movie, each viewing only gets better and much funnier than before.

If only people could accept it for what it is and have a laugh. For example, "Airplane" is stupid, and it was meant to be stupid, but does that mean the silly humor and jokes will not drive you to laughter? Of course not. This is why it's called comedy. This movie was meant for laughs; it wasn't trying to achieve film-making grandeur nor did it try to be an intelligent comedy film buffs wouldn't be afraid to love.

There's tons of movies who's mission was to succeed in both stupidity and laughter, but most times they succeeded at the stupidity, not laughter. Plus they're just plain awful and a huge waste of time. This is not the case with "BASEketball," it was FUNNY and stupid. The actors did a tremendous job too, which is why it's funny.

With all that said, I have to say I enjoy every aspect of this movie, and it even had a sprinkle of originality. That's all.


Totally agree with you sicilian_clan50. This movie is not Wilde or Shakespeare but it doesn't advertise itself as such. It's a bit of mindless fun and there's nothing wrong with that. Having said that though, I do want to single out one scene - the "Dude" argument - for what I consider to be underrated brilliance. Think about it; on paper it's just "Dude", "Dude", "Dude"... One word over again, nothing funny about that. But add in facial expressions and tone of voice and that one word means anything from obstinate, to anger, to defiance, to conciliation. That, to me anyway, is pretty clever.


I actually lost a little bit of appreciation for Parker and Stone when I read about their dislike of this movie. Zucker and the crew wrote a HILARIOUS movie, and the final product IS hilarious. Parker and Stone, to claim any type of humor is banal or stupid, is completely silly.

I love the guys, though, and everything they do - including and ESPECIALLY "BASEketball." This is probably in my 5 funniest movies ever list.


Agree. Like all their *beep* is deep level, subtle comedy. I imagine they distance themselves from it because it bombed, maybe they feel they never got to make live action movies because of it, who knows. The thing is, it does feel like what would happen if the south park guys made an airplane movie.


derp jokes LOL


This is Canada, Jack.
Fol rol de ol rol.


Anybody who uses the "smart" and "intelligent" argument for comedies or satires are usually either pretentious, or naive.

Blazing Saddles
Animal House
Naked Gun
The Kentucky Fried Movie
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

All of which contain fairly obvious jokes. Is it stupidity, or ingenuity? Because those movies are certainly not "stupid".


Blazing Saddles
Animal House
Naked Gun
The Kentucky Fried Movie
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

all have 1 thing in common.. timing.. timing is everything, no comedy movie would be funny without timing, but derp/slap stick comedy relies on timing more then others.

