Trivia error?

Trivia entry

In one of the psyche-out scenes, Coop says, "Hey want to see a scary face?" The camera then shows a view of the back of Coop's head, and we see what look like snakes pop out of his head. This is a clear reference to the TV show 'The Twilight Zone.'

I'm pretty sure this is actually a reference to Beetle Juice. Am I wrong on this?

My band


It used to say Beetlejuice, but I think someone changed it. I think it relates more to Beetlejuice.

-I haven't had sex in two years, but I have a six month old daughter
-Earv, you worry too much.


It made me think of the truck driver lady (I think it was)from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

Never go in against a Fanboy, when death is on the line! Haha hahaha, haha HA...


It made me think of my ex-wife.

--A trusted name since 2009


The intro to the twilight zone movie has Dan Ackroyd saying "You want to see something really scary?" before turning into a monster. I think that's what it's a reference to (To my knowledge it's based on an episode of the twilight zone, but I'm not sure.

Can't we for once just think of them as Evil annoying idiot fucks? - Bill Hicks


It's not based on a Twilight Zone episode at all, nor the scene from the movie. In the movie , the quote is different & the face change is nothing alike. The scene is an obvious reference to Beetlejuice. Even the camera angle is the same in both movies.
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!


Not only that, both scenes also have the "snakes/tentacles" coming out of Trey's/Betelgeuse's face.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


No, he's right - it's "Betelgeuse," as in the red star. Recall that the Maitlands mispronounce his name when they saw the ad, because they didn't know it was pronounced Beetle Juice.


I wasn't arguing that...just drunkenly and simply reiterating that the reference is obviously to Beetlejuice the movie not the Twilight Zone

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


Not only was that scene a direct reference to Beetle Juice, but later on the song Jump In The Line is played. Although that's probably just a coincidence... then again maybe the director is just a huge fan of Beetle Juice.
