MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Agent Smith being slow and incompetent m...

Agent Smith being slow and incompetent makes no sense

Now, we're told and shown that agents can be fast. Remember this, they are FAST! They can dodge bullets, do superfast punches, you name it. They are also very competent, being like FBI or CIA organization with the sunglasses and authority over cops.

When you consider all that and then juxtapose to what happens in the 'My name is Neo'-scene, there's a massive incongruency that rears its ugly head.

Why would Smith be fast enough to dodge bullets and punch superfast, but not fast enough to LAND PROPERLY when Neo propels them both in the air to crash in the ceiling?

I mean, with that kind of thinking/reacting speed, Smith should be able to read what Neo is going to do, be able to do something even before hitting the ceiling, calculate how to land properly long before they even hit the ceiling, let alone all those microseconds between ceiling and landing.

Somehow Smith FUMBLES (!? WHAT? It's a PROGRAM, how can it ever fumble??) and falls down, then becomes extremely slow, just watching Neo, frozen in place (Smith, that is, not Neo) and just glancing to the side before being hit by a train.

Is this satisfying to anyone?

First of all, Smith should NOT keep Neo in a position where he can DO that jump. Any competent cop would keep a suspect in a position where they ABSOLUTELY can't jump, run, move, stand up or anything. There are NUMEROUS police techniques for this - hands above your head, ankles crossed, Smith's knee against Neo's neck, Neo face down with cuffed wrists and so on.

Smith does NOT do any of that. Surely these agents have handcuffs!

Also, why aren't the other agents there to help Smith apprehend this suspect?

Smith could so easily do something SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE than just holding Neo in a position, where he has LEVERAGE enough to do that jump.

He could EASILY and EFFECTIVELY remove that leverage, so Neo, no matter how powerful, could not move enough to jump at all. You can do this to super strong, tall, muscular men - when a cop puts you in a specific position, it does not matter how strong you are, you simply can't move (use Aikidou if you have nothing else, it has 'locking techniques' that completely immobilize you only with the control of your wrist, let alone other body parts)..

So, this scene shows SO many things that CONTRADICT what Agents are supposed to be:

01) Extremely incompetent, not being able to hold a suspect in a proper lock/immobilized position

02) Extremely slow, not being able to react fast enough to Neo's slow jump to ceiling and back, and especially not being able to land on his feet (what sense does this make? Really, can someone explain why an agent would EVER 'fall wrong'?), not being able to jump out of the train tracks when he (too slowly) realizes Neo is free AND escaping the situation? The agent should be able to follow neo about 0.0001 nanoseconds after Neo even starts making that backwards somersault jump.

Remember how fast bullets are? These agents can DODGE bullets. There is no excuse for this slowness or this incompetence.

Movies lie and cheat so much, they had to even make Agent Smith a SLOW, BUMBLING, INCOMPETENT FOOL just to make the movie happen.

If Agent Smith WAS anything like what we've been shown and told they SHOULD be, Neo would have died in the train scene, or at least Agent Smith wouldn't have.

This movie absolutely makes no sense.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
