MovieChat Forums > V.I.P. (1998) Discussion > will v.i.p seasons 2,3,4 be released on ...

will v.i.p seasons 2,3,4 be released on dvd soon?????

could anyone tell me if vip will be released on dvd soon seasons 2, 3 ,4, ive already bought season one which is totally great..very kitch, camp and all around comedy action harmless fun, and pammy is just hilirious in every episode!!


I certainly hope so.


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im pretty sure there are two other reasons why to watch VIP if you know what i mean


I hope Sony release the other seasons!! Apparently they only released the first season because of the success of Stacked (Pammy's sitcom) and they were hoping to cash in on it


i hope so i want season 2 so bad


Season 2 had a lot of my favorite episodes in there. Even if they don't release the other seasons (though they better), I hope they at least release 2.

I mean, good grief, isn't Pamela Anderson popular enough that there would be a huge demand?


Not apparently so. It looks like video sales of the 1st Season of VIP on DVD did not do well and the same thing has happened with the DVD sales of Pamela's other two TV series, STACKED and most surprisingly, BAYWATCH which only released here in the US only the first 2 seasons of the show, while in various parts of the world, all 11 seasons of BAYWATCH on DVD have been released. Only HOME IMPROVEMENT, the first TV show Pam appeared in, has done very well on DVD, but that's because of it's star Tim Allen since Pam only appeared in a supporting role as the "Tool Girl" in the show's first season. I even found DVD's of VIP selling in stores for under $20, when more successful TV shows on DVD sell for at least $40 for each season(NCIS, CSI, etc). Don't get me wrong, since I'm a fan of Pam since Home Improvement, but Sony Columbia Home Video won't release the remaining seasons of VIP unless there's a real public demand for them. So please email Sony Columbia Home Video to let them know or vote for VIP at the TV Shows on DVD website for the release of the other 3 seasons.



I totally agree with your post on will V.I.P. seasons 2, 3, & 4 be released to DVD soon. I would like to buy the remaining Seasons of V.I.P. on DVD. I have contacted Sony Entertainment, the company who releases V.I.P. Season 1, but they could not assist me with my request to release Seasons 2, 3, & 4 on DVD. Can you help? Do you have any ideas on how to contact the creators of V.I.P. or Pamela Anderson, herself, to request their endorsement & support of getting V.I.P. Seasons 2, 3, & 4 released to DVD? Please contact me, and let us collaborate on getting this TV Show it's proper Complete Series DVD release. Sincerely, Lonnie Kevin Clark


Probably not. Maybe it will be streaming someday.
