MovieChat Forums > Arlington Road (1999) Discussion > Spoilers - was his (black, 'not' a "raci...

Spoilers - was his (black, 'not' a "racist thing" to mention his color, that's what he is haha, dunno actor's name) FBI agent friend...

... in on it (the terrorist plot to blow up those buildings)?

Is THAT partially why he and those people next to him were reluctant to immediately check the van after he shouted to them that there is a bomb on it and the main reason why he says "We're all authorised to be here, everyone EXCEPT you"?


I kinda thought so, might be wrong though.


Not at all. The plot was discrediting Jeff Bridges character so his friend was starting to doubt him. Also the bomb took him out as well.


But maybe he was suicidal like a lot of terrorists are who bomb buildings, maybe he didn't have time to get away?


You’re definitely wrong. And what’s with the disclaimer that you aren’t racist just because you said the word black? The FBI agent was black wasn’t he? So why the need to say you aren’t racist. It’s not racist to say “black FBI agent” since that’s what he is. Geez.


2 PackManDan - don't worry, and I said that absolutely just in case, you know, because to some folks MAYBE that word MIGHT mean it, and a lot of FILMS etc that featured such characters occasionally came to being accused of being racist etc.

Also, I didn't JUST mean "I am NOT racist" (true as it is though, I'm not) but also that I wasn't UNINTENTIONALLY meaning to appear that way either and also used this as a description (as for one, I don't know that actor's name et all).


Even if OK I know some people might just IMMATURELY joke or pick on these types of things, because you know...


That’s what’s wrong with the world we live in. Everyone is so terrified of offending anyone for any thing that we can’t even have a normal conversation anymore.

If the agent was white would you have said “was the white agent (not racist) in on it?” No you wouldn’t. So why the need to put that disclaimer just by saying the word black? I don’t understand that at all.

Bottom line, the agent was black. It’s ok to call him black. Since that’s literally what he is. You actually caused it to be an issue when it was a non issue by swearing you aren’t racist and making sure you state that fact just in case anyone saw your post and called you racist. You see how you’re drawing attention to something that should have not had any attention drawn to it?

I just can’t anymore with how sensitive people are.


Yah, the good ole times with racial insults and calling women "bitch" and "hoe".


No idea what you’re talking about. All I know is that we live in a world where some people feel the need to let everyone know they are not racist just because they use the term “black man” when describing a black man. And it’s ridiculous.


Mate, alright, I understand, but please calm down... Yeah, I've come across those bits of sensitivity and whatnot and simply referenced it in that way and also... With "white" I have NOT come across people like, you know, at all imagining even for a joke "racism". So its alright, it wasn't an issue but I just mentioned it to get it off my back, but let's not worry too much and just move on, thank you.


"we can’t even have a normal conversation anymore"

We CAN, but remember, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, to SOME folks, however silly, it might come across that way, maybe to a lot of others and in general not at all - even if it shouldn't. And even if we can OR cannot or whatever, well, some times we just come across situations that occasionally remind us of something in this way and we sort of get it off our back, and its not that huge a deal.

Plus, with regards to "anymore" (as in, referencing today's times) - I AM NO EXPERT but who knows, maybe before it was slightly better, maybe not, I don't have scientific data and statistics to say otherwise but yeah I may come across a few moments here and there and sort of jokingly reference it to say - No, this isn't that at all, haha, don't worry.

"I just can’t anymore with how sensitive people are."
As your post however proves, you aren't one of them, OK to each their own.


"Everyone is so terrified of offending anyone"
MAYBE so or maybe NOT, and I am NOT, in case you're interested, but like I said, JUST IN CASE someone MIGHT mistake it or say makes a silly remark, I simply briefly mention it.

And I don't know about this whole "terrified of offending others" thing BUT... SOME folks, like ME for instance, may OCCASIONALLY have a bit of conscience here and there and thus might reference it in that way, that's all. And everyone is different.


Also, on the INTERNET, and I won't say its a global issue even if yeah it is at least a little frustrating at times, people sometimes CAN be silly and might say or call things out wrongly and it has always been like that and I myself have had SOME experience with it at least, so I sort of jokingly winked at them with that statement IN CASE they shout [insert this] and say for instance start mucking about, and, regardless of who is or isn't correct, well... And I myself personality wise isn't always a very serious guy who ONLY thinks and acts CORRECTLY even if I for the very most part don't act wrongly EITHER. And English isn't my first language either so...


Also, another plot point...

At one point, he tells Jeff Bridges' character that it would be illegal to check that guy's history but he somehow does it anyway only to say he's clean, so how did he do it legally?

And yeah you're might be right, maybe he wasn't in on that terrorist plot at all. But the way he says towards the end about him not authorized to be here, who knows?

And interesting how he was worried before about his pension but later, though obviously unfortunate, he gets killed.
