Are you a teenager?

If not, do you feel like you're still a teenager?

Just trying to figure out who voted this dumb thing into the IMDB top 10.


Are you a retard? If not do you feel like you're a retard?

Just trying to figure out what kind of freak would insult such a good film.


Look, I'm trying to have an adult conversation here. Why don't you stop stalking me and go play with your dolls?


You weren't having a conversation with anyone, you lunatic.
You think you are smart because you go around insulting films that are popular and highly rated, but you actually come across as a sad, pathetic troll.
Now go and walk in to traffic, you useless turd.


This movie was release 18 years ago so any teenagers now were just born or not even born at the time. So the audience who likes it clearly extends beyond adolescent age. If you want some stats here they are:

Under 18 rating: 9.1
18-29 rating: 9.0
30-44 rating: 8.8
45+ rating: 8.1

No matter which way you look at it all ages have given this a significantly high average rating on IMDb. You just obviously have different tastes.

Don't Click This >>>👊


True, except that many in the 30-44 range may have rated this film when they were teenagers.

Plus, physical age doesn't equal one's mental maturity. The statistic clearly indicates that many who rated the IMDB250 didn't mature past 18.


No and no.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


I admittedly don't like this as much as some but Fincher was still getting going when he made this and it's a fine film. I gave it an 8. I'm 32, watch everything under the sun and while I believe kids of a certain age don't have enough life experiences to appreciate cinema in all of its beauty... That doesn't disqualify this film. It's called "Fight Club" but it's hardly about fighting or any club. Fincher layered the *beep* out of this film. I just think compared to his later, more mature work, this is a notch below(I even have it ranked below Seven) but that's just my opinion. I don't see how anyone can think this only appeals to kids.
