i'm jacks...

why does the narrator always say that he is jacks (something)?? throughout the movie he says it several times and i don't understand why


because that's his name. He was refering to himself in a unique way.

Some people claim his name wasn't revealed but nevertheless in the script he's Jack.

just read the script:


People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durden.


When the narrator is in the house on paper street with tyler he finds a bunch of old books with educational articles titled "I am Jack's ____" with different body parts. For example I am Jack's heart I pump blood throughout his body ...blah blah blah. He thinks it is stupid and ridiculous but from then on the phrase "I am Jack's" is continually used.

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oh that makes sense, thanks!


I repeat:



That was just for easy reference for the actors. It's not his name. He got it from the Reader's digest.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


This is correct. Watch the movie, don't read the script.


I read that as Jack being a popular and regular name so as he is talking about "Jack's ____" he is talking about feeling things that the rest of society feel. His experiences are not new and ge is showing lots of other people feel these things on a regular basis.


No, it's as a pp says, its a play on the medical articles in Readers Digest, always titled ' I am Jack's gall bladder' or whatever.
