Real Fight Clubs.

In the early 2000s there were actually real Fight Clubs all over the world inspired by the one in this movie, where people would meet and beat each other. I've read some articles about this, and even found an internet forum section for a fight club in my country. However, from the stories of those who went to these fights, they sounded more like misguided nerds who tried to be cool and do something rebellious.
Is there anyone here who was in a real Fight Club? Any cool stories?


Real Fight Club is schizophrenia and daydreaming


real fighters become professionals in either mma or boxing


That is a fiction. Chuck Palahniuk promoted that fiction. That way, it makes it sound like this movie, which was a box office failure in theaters at the time, was a real cultural influence. And that cultural influence was to make young men beat each other to feel 'alive'. Does that sound right to you?

Once in awhile you will read about some high-school 'fight club' and the police are called. What happens is one of the kids scheduled doesn't want to fight, tells their parents, and the parents call the police. No 'fight club'.


That is a fiction. Chuck Palahniuk promoted that fiction. That way, it makes it sound like this movie, which was a box office failure in theaters at the time, was a real cultural influence.

I remember that this movie was pretty huge in the early 2000s, it definitely had a cult following...
I've read about the fight club from my country on a forum dedicated to seduction - most of these guys here were nerds, many of them virgins, who really wanted to do something outrageous to feel cool and edgy, so besides going out and picking up girls, they also started to fight each other under the supervision of a seduction guru, who was inspired by this movie and claimed that this will get them over their fear of approaching girls...


Sounds totally legit.


I wanted to start a fight club after seeing this but none of my buddies were much into the idea. Sometimes after a really hard day at school I would come home and knock around our flimsy old kickbag from when I was in Tae Kwon Do. I've heard stories about real fight clubs, don't know how many are actually true. I did hear Adam Driver mention on Conan he and his friends had been inspired by the movie to beat around as kids.


There have been reports of actual fight clubs in other countries, like Japan, for one. There is a fight club in Portland Oregon, if I'm not mistaken (they wear head gear for safety).
They're not as intense and brutal as the one Tyler Durden stared, but why would you want it to be?
Those guys would get viciously beaten to a bloody pulp. The movie never showed us what those guys had to endure in the emergency room. Their medical bills. If their injuries were even able to easily recover from.
I can't lie, tho. I wish I could beat the $h!t out of a few co-workers/ random a$$holes that I encounter during day.
I have a lot of aggressive energy inside of me.
Video games just won't do.
I take it out on the weights at my local gym.
Any fight clubs in NYC?
Hmmmm. Only if I could beat the $h!t out of people I know.


I see similarities in Fight Club to the Islamic state.

Let me explain.

IS attracts dejected, unhappy men who have had (or beleive they have had) their masculinity strangualted by the modern world. Most of the European guys that have joined up were Pizzy delivery guys, small time drug dealers, petty criminals. They are the all seeing all dancing crap of the world.

It didn't take much to make these men fight. Most of them know nothing about Islam and don't want to know. They are attracted to the togetherness, esprit de corps, camraderie etc. Just like Fight Club.

