MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > Edward Norton stopped Janeane Garofalo f...

Edward Norton stopped Janeane Garofalo from getting role in Fight Club

Comedian and actress Janeane Garofalo - who has appeared in "Reality Bites," "The Truth about Cats & Dogs" and "The Ben Stiller Show" - said she was originally supposed to play the role of Marla Singer in the movie Fight Club. Instead, the part went to Helena Bonham Carter, and Garofalo said she knows who is responsible for that.

Edward Norton felt she "didn't have the chops to do it" Garofalo now says.
"I was like, 'Can I audition with him or for him?' " the actress told Yahoo. "And I was told that he would like Courtney Love to do it, because he was dating her, but Brad Pitt said, 'I'm not going to sign off on that.' So, they agreed on Helena Bonham Carter, who was probably much better than I would have been."

Garofalo had thought the part was a lock because, "I met with [the film's director] David Fincher, who handed me the script and said, 'If you like it, the part is yours.' "

Years later, Pitt had approached her about it. "He very kindly said, 'I'm sorry about what happened with that,' and he had nothing to do with it," she said.
As for Norton, Garofalo said even though they live near each other and she sees him often, he's never brought it up. "In fact, he pretends he doesn't know who I am every time I see him," she said.



The A-/B+ list mostly movie actor can say what he wants, but he is revising history to say he didn't cost this back in the day A- list actress a role on a huge movie that people still love. Ed Norton/Janeane Garofalo/"Fight Club" (Edward Norton Denies Costing Janeane Garofalo ‘Fight Club’ Role: ‘She’s Really Mistaken’)


It was the right choice. Plus she's just too frumpy to be sexual like the movie called for.

"I haven't been fucked like that since I was a schoolgirl"

Imagine Garofalo saying that line. It would induce laughter.
