Worst Best Picture Winner?

A lot of people say Crash is the worst but it seriously must be this.

1998 Nominees Best to Worst
Best: Saving Private Ryan
2nd: Life Is Beautiful
3rd: The Thin Red Line
4th: This
5th: Elizabeth

All this film had to offer was some humour and if that is the case then why did anchorman not win best picture


Because SiL is dazzlingly witty in a wide variety of ways, from slapstick to lit-crit satire via a massive leg-pull perpetrated on Gwyneth Paltrow, whereas Anchorman is just mildly goofy humour.


Still, is this film anywhere near Saving Private Ryan or Life Is Beautiful


Yes. And it's less sentimental than either of them.


How are either of SPR or LiB sentimental? Or at least more sentimental than SiL


"How are either of SPR or LiB sentimental?"

Life is Beautiful is nothing but sentimental drivel and was a very UNFUNNY film. I couldn't stand the crap.


"Life is Beautiful is nothing but sentimental drivel and was a very UNFUNNY film. I couldn't stand the crap."



If you compare it to those 2 I'd say it's give or take.

Now The Thin Red Line, that could be considered a snub.


You see things; and you say Why? But I dream things that never were and I say Why not?



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This film wins Best Picture in 1998 and most of the other years in the last couple of decades.

Funny, confident, original.

Illuminating, staggeringly well-written, directed and acted.

Genre pieces like SPR never stood a chance.


Any other year?

American Beuaty > SIL
Gladiator > SIL
A Beautiful Mind > SIL
Chigago > SIL
Million Dollar Baby > SIL
Crash < SIL but Brokeback Mountain > SIL
The Departed > SIL
No Country For Old Men > SIL
Slumdog Millionaire > SIL
The Hurt Locker > SIL
The Kings Speech < SIL but Inception > SIL
The Artist > SIL
Argo > SIL
12 Years A Slave > SIL


All of those years, against those films, yes.


This was a nice little movie but Saving Private Ryan should have won.


Solid movie, not a bad choice, but Life Is Beautiful is in a different class than the other 4 nominees


I have always thought that the film "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1956) met the criteria for Worst Best Picture Winner. I am sure there are a few others more deserving than SIL, but 80 Days is the one that leapt immediately to mind.


What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?


I love this movies and I think it didn't deserve to win the oscar but not the worst for me. Chicago / Birdman are the worst for me !!!


forrest gump or titanic

I don' know, it's a mystery
