This movie sucked!!

F this POS,just a stupid girly romance. Saving Private Ryan rocks!


If you think SiL is a girly romance, you've actually failed completely to realise what it was about. It's a literary and theatrical satire, and the funniest and most acute that's has been on screen for decades. The romance was just the McGuffin (and even the romance persistently spoofed itself, and Gwyneth Paltrow, along the way).

SPR, on the other hand, is just an admittedly stunning battle sequence attached to some lame sentimental unhistorical fluff.


You're an idiot. SPR has an 8.6 on IMDB while SIL only has a 7.2 Same with Rotten Tomatoes. The general consensus is that more people like SPR over SIL. Case closed.

And SPR is more than just the epic battle sequences.


And you are an idiot, for thinking SiL was a girly romance. Clear proof that you were too thick to register what you were watching.


I hope you are joking when you use consensus as an argument.


You're basing quality on the general public's opinion? Too funny. Here's something you'll understand: here's yer sign.


syntinen wrote "SPR, on the other hand, is just an admittedly stunning battle sequence attached to some lame sentimental unhistorical fluff."

WOW! Perfect description of SPR. Thanks.


I completely agree with syntinen. Shakeaspeare in Love was a tasteful, intelligent satire,full of sarcasm and with numerous hilarious elements.

Saving Private Ryan did absolutely nothing to me. The battle sequence was good and Tom Hanks was superb but apart from these 2 elements, nothing else really worked for my part.

Best movies 2014-2015:1)Whiplash 2)Birdman 3)Hobbit:BOFA 4)Nightcrawler 5)Grand Budapest Hotel


I totally agree with koxlianos, except for the part about Tom Hanks being superb. I thought he was just average, and I write this as a HUGE Hanks fan.


The Thin Red Line was better than any of the other nominees that year.

With that said, I'll happily throw my weight behind Shakespeare in Love being superior to Saving Private Ryan. I have no problem admitting that.


The Thin Red Line was better than any of the other nominees that year.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. TTRL is an absolute masterpiece of film. I'll watch SiL or SPR any time. They're both fantastic achievements, in vastly different ways. But TTRL takes the best film of '98 for me.

I'm saving my blood and spit for my honeymoon.


I agree. The Thin Red Line is a masterpiece.


I also thought that The Thin Red Line was the best film that year.

Its that man again!!


as a Shakespeare buff I despise this film

That's an interesting attitude; would you like to explain? Many would say that the film was made for the delight of Shakespeare buffs and the bafflement of those not in the know.


So agree!!! How did this turd beat Saving Private Ryan... Oscars are crooked!!!

