
So Gwyneth had to marry Colin after all? I thought the bet was that if won she could refuse, I'm so dumb.


The bet was fifty pounds (money, not weight), between Wessex and 'Country Cousin Matilda' (Will in disguise). It didn't include Viola in any way.


And go off to Virginia. A place that didn't exist in the time period this film is supposedly depicting.


Oh, there was a colony called Virginia; there had been since 1583. It just wasn't where Virgina is now, and it didn't grow tobacco.

But then there weren't 'priests of Psyche', or mugs labelled 'A Prefent from Stratford upon Avon', and taverns didn't have 'specials of the day' presented on a buckwheat pancake, either. If you haven't realised that the one thing SiL is not is a straight historical movie - and that in fact its makers were doing everything short of holding up a placard saying 'This movie is a JOKE, people!', you have wholly missed the point if it.


