
This movie is *beep* underrated.


I think that's because the world is full of underbrained and undereducated people who thought it was a historical romance.


How is it underrated? It's got a pretty good score on here and won 7 Oscars... I think that's pretty good



It is. Even though it has won so many Oscars. It currently has a 7.1 on IMDB and that is way too low.

My idea is that people are 1) letting their disappointment of Saving Private Ryan not winning best film, 2) prejudices about romantic comedies and 3) their dislike of Gwyneth Paltrow or Harvey Weinstein affect their judgment too much. This really is a very, very good film.


Or 4.) We watched it, enjoyed it, and didn't really care afterwards. It's a matter of taste.


That is my take on it, haven't seen it since 1999 and although I wouldn't avoid it if I found it was on TV, I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again either.
