MovieChat Forums > Shakespeare in Love (1999) Discussion > Just watched it again for about the doze...

Just watched it again for about the dozenth time

Just watched it again for about the dozenth time.

Wow, what a superb movie.

I'm trying to remember, (besides LOtR) the last film to win 7 Academy awards?


Only a dozen?
This one stands the test of time.


"I'm trying to remember, (besides LOtR) the last film to win 7 Academy awards? "

I'd hazard a guess at Slumdog Millionaire with 8 awards I think.

You're right! Shakespeare in Love is superb in every way and rewards differently with each repeat viewing.


Titanic won 11 although not a favorite of mine. SIL every bit a winner in my book and still enjoyable to watch.


Are you sure you watched this movie?

It's one of the worst films ever.


Are you sure you watched it, Blueghost? Because you sound incredibly silly and ignorant. There is no way on earth an objective observer could call this "one of the worst films ever". We get it. You preferred Saving Private Ryan, and Shakespeare in Love spoiled that coronation by being better and winning the award. Isn't it time to stop sniffling, dry your eyes, move on and get a life?


Actually, if you hop over to the 'Anonymous' board, you'll find that Blueghost is a dedicated and extremely obnoxious supporter of the 'Shakespeare was a front for the Earl of Oxford' theory, and I suspect that his main beef with SiL is (a) that it depicts Will Shakespeare of Stratford as the author of the plays, and (b) that it toys very wittily and eruditely with the subject. Blueghost doesn't do wit or erudition; of course he hated it.
