
Was Martin Lutero the first german Nazi?


Don't remember any Martin Lutero in "Shakespeare In Love."

What character did he play? Or was he crew?

"Stupidity got us into this mess, why doesn't it get us out?" - Will Rogers


No, Hitler was. Get over yourself.


1. The man's name in question was "Martin Luther", not Lutero.
2. He was not in Shakespeare in Love, so any discussion about him is OT.
3. Luther was an antisemite, not a Nazi.
4. Luther was not the first German antisemite. As a matter of fact, his antisemitism sprung from his environment.


Just to clarify the Spanish and Italian translation for "Martin Luther" is Martin Lutero...


Hitler wasn't the first Nazi, but 55th according to his NSDAP membership card. Nazi Party was founded by Bavarian occultist Anton Drexler in 1919. Hitler joined his group of well known weirdos and drunkards in 1920.


Like lots of organisations, the DAP added numbers to membership cards to imply a larger membership, 55 = 5.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Hitler was 55th, later 555th like you said. After he made Chancellor he was 55th again to show that he was one of the first members.


No, Hitler was. Get over yourself.

Go read a book.


I've read more books than you can possibly imagine from this time period. Explain yourself or shut up.


But do it out in the street, not here . . .


You're joking, right?


by roberllama » Thu Apr 12 2012 16:12:10 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since February 2006
Was Martin Lutero the first german Nazi?

Probably no more than yourself.

There seems to be a real obsession with Nazis. What is it with you people? Do you want to be a nazi or something?
