MovieChat Forums > Lake Placid (1999) Discussion > Your favorite character?

Your favorite character?

I pretty much loved them all except for Bill Pullman. But I suppose there had to be a straight man.

Brendan Gleesan is the one who surprised me the most. He's so great in his very understated way. And oliver Platt cracked me up.

"I choose to think there is no free will..."


betty white.

"if i had a dick, this is where i would tell you to suck it"


Betty White - (when they took one of her cows to use as bait):-

'Coc*ksuckers! All of you! I knew it from the beginning but I just didn't say anything!' Hahaha


FYC Oscars 2008 Reservation Road
Best Actress Catherine Keener - An American Crime


Without a doubt, Mrs. Bickerman played by the great Betty White. They should have used her more.

Chris, Newington CT


My first instinct was to say Betty White, but then again Platt and Gleeson were SO wonderful together, playing off one another and smart-mouthed in their own right.... And even Fonda wasn't bad. When she squeels about getting hit with heads? MY GOD I laughed SO HARD.

I think this movie is highly underrated myself.


id say gleeson was the best for me , i think he is a great actor anyway but in this he was great along with platt and their constant wisecracks at each other ...

Victims...........arent we all.


Definitely Betty White. She made the movie enjoyable.



Hector: Is this the man that was killed?
Sheriff Hank Keough: He seemed... taller.


GOTTA be Betty White. Her psychotic old cat lady with a twist role was incredible. Thought I think it'd be a bit much if they used her any more.

have any of you guys seen the sequel? I hear it's pretty ridiculous. apparently they bring back betty white's character through her more predictably insane sister. the website says it's coming to dvd soon


The hot deputy, played by Meredith Salenger. Total babe.

Any of Bill Pullman's characters I find hard to accept as having any smarts, due to his role in Ruthless People. He was too perfect in that role, wherein one of the cops referred to him as "he might be the stupidest man on the planet". Ever since then, regardless of how good the role is (like The Last Seduction or Malice), it's just hard for me not to see the RP idiot. Plus, he's just kind of bland and generic to begin with. But he does seem to show up in some really good films.


Since no one else has mentioned her yet, I just want to put in a plug for Bridget Fonda. I thought she was great, too. I've never seen her so funny. It's hard to believe she's the same actress who played in Jackie Brown.

"The more you drive, the less intelligent you are"


I liked Bridget Fonda too! Somehow she kept my eyes just glued to her. (And I am a heterosexual female.) My close second was Betty White.



I gotta go with Betty White! She was hilarious!


Oliver Platt was flat-out hilarious as this gloriously eccentric wealthy ancient mythology nut.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"



I like the Sherrif.

Carry on my Wayward Son.


Gleeson's sheriff
Gret, under-rated movie


Hector. Love it after Kelly just called someone a sh!tf@ck and he says "You're a saucy flirt!" That makes me laugh. :)

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"
