MovieChat Forums > Lake Placid (1999) Discussion > I really like this movie!

I really like this movie!

I don't know why so many people think it's a mediocre film, I think it's really funny! The bickering between Oliver Platt and Brendan Gleeson in every scene is hysterical. And Betty White cracks me up when she calls the sheriff Officer *beep*meat. There's only one little scene when the CGI crocodile is on land and it looks kind of unconvincing. But a lot of scenes with the animatronic croc look really impressive, especially when it's in the water with Hector and it attacks the helicopter. My biggest problem with the movie is that it's very short and feels rushed, particularly at the climax.


I just saw it for the first time, and I can't understand that it's only 5.4. It's very self-aware, tongue-in-cheek, intentionally over-the-top scenes, and hilarious dialogue.

IMO they need more movies like this.


Agreed. I thought it was great.
Short and to the point horror, cult, and B movie reviews


Please....I LOVE this movie...always have. The cast is perfect. Their interaction with each other is the best!

I would call this a comedy/horror.

9 stars!!!


I used to not like it, but I love it now. I actually saw it in the theater at some local radio station premiere thing as a 19-year-old (my friend's roommate was a bartender somewhere and the station had been to his bar or something), and I left thinking it was a lame/generic Jaws rip-off. I'm not sure I really knew what to expect, I hadn't heard of the movie before, didn't know what it was going to be about, and we were really baked. Which you would think would make the movie more enjoyable, but I think it just caused me to miss the point. I didn't see it again for 10 years, around '09 I came across it on cable late one night and watched it for nostalgia's and curiosity's sake (since I really couldn't remember much of it) and I loved it and have been a fan since. I recently bought the Blu Ray and have watched it 3 times in the last week.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards



By far and away this movie succeeds because of its sense of humour. And for me clearly the cast realised that when they read the script, and consequently played at the top of their game. So a 'B' movie take on a 'Jaws' ripoff became a very classy and entertaining film.
I can't fault it.

Fortytwo? FortyTwo? what sort of puerile, pathetic, stupid answer is that? Everyone knows it's 43.


10/10 from me
