Heart wrenching scene

I'm watching this now and they just had the scene where Frank Beechum says goodbye to that sweet daughter of his. As heart wrenching as that scene was, the peak was the second he could no longer see her as she was taken out of the cell, and Frank just let loose with the emotion of it all with just his wife present. Very tough scene to watch, probably one of the best I've seen of that subject matter (saying the ultimate goodbye).


Yeah, Eastwood and his actors really nail the emotional tragedy without slipping into sentiment.


My father is in advanced alzheimers now.I saw this flick on t.v.,and as the baby cried bye daddy,i weeped.Im going through same thing now in a different way.Im 51,and dad will be 85 next month(God willing).Even though he doesnt know me,i think God for him.I didnt think he'd live this long.
This is a great flick though.I love Eastwood being a whore at his age.lol


I agree entirely.

The scene in question is emotionally devastating and very upsetting to watch. As such, it is brilliantly realized and played out.

The little girl's cries as she is leaving, followed by her tearful "goodbye Daddy" x2 out of shot after she's moved out of view through the exit, are like daggers through the heart.
Frank's subsequent release of emotion the next moment, is almost as crippling. Having held himself together for the sake of his daughter, here he audibly gasps under the burden of such emotion as she steps out of his life.

So difficult to watch and not be moved - perhaps even to the point of tears.

And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.


Yea I agree. I just saw this movie for the first time last night. And that was one of the most heart wrenching scenes i saw in awhile. The daughter was amazing and her screams at the end did me in. As well as Isiah Washington losing it. Great acting . Great scene. The movie itself Is rated right. I think it's between a 6 or 7. But it had some really good scenes.


I agree, but it had a happy ending!
