"Bond was unarmed"

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm why?

I think I have a harder time believing that than Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist.


I don’t remember the line but I remember the movie well. Probably the second best of the Brosnan movies after Goldeneye.

There were many occasions where Bond had to get out of situations unarmed.


Renard is talking to Davidov and Arkov about how Bond escaped the parahawk attack. Davidov tries to make the excuse that Bond was too good for the parahawks and Renard cuts him off and says "Bond is unarmed".

Why would Bond ever be unarmed when he's on a mission?

And no I actually think this is the worst Brosnan film, could have been good but there are far too many things that just don't make any sense.


My order has changed over time.

2.World is not enough
3. Tomorrow never dies
4. Die another day

At one point I had TND at #2.


You see I really like Die Another Day. When I ranked the Bond films I have 4 categories: Great, Good, OK and Bad:

1) Die Another Day - 8th - Good
2) Goldeneye - 12th - Good
3) Tomorrow Never Dies - 17th - OK
4) The World Is Not Enough - 21st - OK


The first act of DAD was pretty good but they got real lazy with the gadgets. The invisible car went too far. The digital wind surfing was disappointing. There are things to like in all 24 films.


I will never defend the wind surfing, that was dumb not ifs ands or buts. I didn’t mind the invisible car, they had an explanation as to why it was invisible so I am ok. I thought the story about bond being black listed was really creative, I loved the sword fights and the film puts in subtle references to the previous films that only the dedicated fans are going to pick up on.

I recently did a bond marathon and surprisingly die another day is the only one I watched straight through without taking a break


You sound like a true fan. Can’t wait for Bond 25 though it’ll be tough to lose Craig from the franchise. If history repeates itself, this next film should be really good. I don’t have many nice things to say about Quantum but having rewatched Spectre a couple times now it has grown on me. Love Casino and Skyfall.


Skyfall would have been the perfect Bond film if the gunbarrel was in the right place (that is literally my only complaint). Casino Royale was also great but again the gunbarrel was in the wrong place and there were a few instances of questionable dialogue, my main gripe is: You lost because of your ego. Um actually he didn't, he lost because he got unlucky, no poker player ever would have folded a full house. I ranked both Casino Royale and Skyfall as Great

Spectre was just "Good" for me, my main complaint about Spectre was that they felt they needed to tie together all of the Craig films and I don't think that was necessary, Spectre could have been its own separate thing and it would have been good. I felt there were way too many unbelievable coincidences. I'm also not buying that Raoul Silva would have worked for Spectre, he seemed like the kind of guy who just did his own thing. It is hilarious though that when Blofeld was putting up pictures of characters from previous films he conveniently left out Dominic Greene.

Quantum of Solace is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It was a Bourne wannabe with no story, no interesting characters, atrocious acting and it was completely directionless. And why on Earth would your master plan involve extorting money out of Bolivia? Bolivia is a 3rd world nation.

3. Skyfall - Great
5. Casino Royale - Great
11. Spectre - Good
22. Quantum Of Solace - Bad


Blofeld was a dissapointment. I had high hopes for Waltz in the role. I will never accept Bond shooting down a helicopter with 2 pistols. At least pick up a dead guy’s scoped assault rifle and shoot. I could get behind that as implausible as that would be irl. Awesome blindfolded 2 man disarm move. That airplane in the mountain health resort scene got used down to the skeleton which was kind of funny. Oh and Spectre had a great opening scene.


As far the the helicopter goes the ending of the DAF novel is very similar. Bond follows Jack Spang to Africa and he attempts to flee in a helicopter and Bond shoots it down.

I thought Waltz was OK as Blofeld, not as good as Pleasence or Savalas but a hell of a lot better than Charles Grey (who actually allows Bond to touch the tape that powers his space lazer, WTF?).

Spectre definitely should have removed the "adopted brother" subplot along with their attempt to tie all of the previous villains together. Too big of a coincidence.

I've heard some complaints that now the MI6 regulars are starting to become involved in the action too much and yeah it was kind of starting to feel like the Avengers but I kind of like these characters and they are played by solid actors (Harris, Fiennes, Wishaw, Kinnear) so I also don't mind that.


I couldn't help but notice how all the good guys are pretty and all the bad guys are ugly.

All that aside, it's still an entertaining movie. I hear submarine life is miserable, being in a submerged, dark, smelly, pressurized metal tube.


Whereas, the more effective narrative device is to have gorgeous antagonists and plain-looking protagonists. The Devil always presents a pleasing face, while virtue hides in the mundane.

PS The fact that Tomorrow Never Dies features the First Lady of Martial Art, Michelle Yeoh, makes it THE BEST of the Brosnan Bond films. End of story. Finis. Finito.


That's how it works in life, with the worst offenders often being graced with good looks to get past people's radar. Yeoh certainly made an impression, first time seeing her work, actually have teeth and not being the usually damsel in distress, even helping Bond in a pitch.


With Bond's training would the character ever truly be unarmed?


Why would you send an agent into the field without a gun? It doesn't matter how good he is, if you want him to be successful you are going to make sure he has the tools he needs.
