MovieChat Forums > The General's Daughter (1999) Discussion > SPOILERS ALERT - about Kent and Travolta...

SPOILERS ALERT - about Kent and Travolta with Cromwell at the end.

Towards the end of the movie, SPOILERS, Travolta says to the General, played by James Cromwell, that "You killed her", meaning him, the General, to which the General replies "Kent killed" her and Travolta says "Kent just put her out of her misery."

But technically speaking, it WAS Kent who killed her. Not to mention, as miserable as she may have been from that no doubt terrible incident at West Point, Kent didn't exactly perform an act of "mercy killing" on her, its not like she asked him to kill her as she was feeling suicidal during that moment when she was tied up.

And he did it for very selfish reasons as well, basically performing an act of homicide and pre-meditated murder.

So, even if metaphorically one could say that the General "killed" her when he showed carelessness towards her in that hospital room, Kent DID in fact LITERALLY kill her, he didn't just, as Travolta put it, "simply put her out of her misery".

And besides. As horrible and painful as that violation can indeed be for a lot of women and people in general, not all victims who sadly go through it, as horrible and destructive as it could be, may want to die as a result afterwards, and in this movie, her character DIDN'T want it either, when Kent was strangling her, she resisted and told him to stop even though he still did it, he did kill her.


He meant that the General killed her spirit and turned her into a basket case. He put himself ahead of his daughter. Claimed it was for the benefit of the Academy. I know if it were me, I'd have burned the damn Academy to the ground before I would allow a cover up to occur.
