MovieChat Forums > End of Days (1999) Discussion > I think Jericho was chosen for his battl...

I think Jericho was chosen for his battle....

I want to offer an opinionated review of this movie about Jericho....

This whole movie was based on Faith. Since the beginning of the film the pope advised the priest and cardinals to do the right thing to keep the girl safe. Not to compromise our integrity by doing more evil by killing her.
Back to Jericho though. All throughout the film, Jericho who's name if based on the walls of protection for city of Jericho served as Christina's protector. His primary duty was to protect and serve. Even as a former police officer, then a security specialist he still swore an oath of protection which he took very seriously. He was offered money and bribes to "look" the other way when he was a cop and it cost him his family. He still end up doing the right thing. That event costs him his faith even though at one time he said he believed in God. He changed his beliefs after his loss. The loss of his family also drove him to have feelings of anger and depression which in the end protected him to have the motivation to go after Satan in the end. He was allowed past the guard because of his anger and revenge.
The ultimate goal at the end came while in the church he knew he couldn't beat him with his weapons and finally asking for strength of faith because he knew what was coming.
The point I would like to make is that based on the events of the film, maybe God knew this was perfect person to fight Satan. Everyone else was on one extreme of the line than the other. His anger and rage were the perfect weapons and at the End of the Day he never gave up his faith.
That's Just my opinion. What does anyone else think?


If we go by the laws of Christianity, then you can argue that Jericho was 1999 Job. Not as crude and he didn't have it as hard as Job but it he fits similar to the stuff Job went through.


In the movie of course he was "chosen" he almost killed himself @ the beginning
But his friend saved him (in an indirect way) If his friend wouldn't of come or came just a few mins later
Arnold would've most likely have killed himself Everyone in the movie was "chosen" if you think about it
The banker,Christine,Arnold's friend etc. Who WASNT "chosen" ? Why was the banker "chosen" by satan? Or god...?
Did "satan" really pick the banker? Get my drift? Of course it's just a movie I'm just replying to you based on what the "story/movie" is,not an actual religious reply


