MovieChat Forums > End of Days (1999) Discussion > wouldn't suicide automatically condemn J...

wouldn't suicide automatically condemn Jericho to hell?

isn't that part of Catholicism? and this film seems to go with Catholics being right...


From what I know about Christianity and I am not a religious person so I am going with what I do know is that suicide is not necessarily an automatic ticket to Hell. I think you are judged based on reason why you did it and if you repent for what you did. I think with Catholicism specifically, they claim that anyone can get into Heaven if they accept Jesus and repent for their sins.

But in actuality, I would argue that Jericho earned a right to get into heaven. He save all of humanity by dying for us all and the sad part is that no one will ever know but Christine. If God sent him to Hell for killing himself without taking into account what he died for then I would say that would make God more even than Satan himself.


If God sent him to Hell for killing himself without taking into account what he died for then I would say that would make God more ev[il] than Satan himself.



Does nobody know the difference between suicide and sacrifice?

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Their is no difference. Regardless of why, killing yourself is suicide. If you do it to protect the one you love or you are depressed, the act of setting yourself up to die is suicide.


That's ridiculous.

I can't imagine any version of a benevolent God who wouldn't see the crucial difference between sacrifice and suicide. Giving one's life to save another is obviously a virtue and cannot be compared to the arguable cowardice that suicide is.

Would any benevolent God send a mother the hell because she gave her life to save her child's? Of course not. Why? Because it is not suicide, but sacrifice.

Not to mention, if there's no difference between the two ideas, the concept of martyrdom becomes superfluous because how can it be frowned upon to give your life to save another's while giving your life for your belief is to be revered and honored? Would be nonsensical (not that the Bible makes much sense anyway).

It also pretty much nullifies the concept of heroism too, which is a central theme throughout the Bible, because whoever would endanger his own life to save another's and happen to die subsequently, should be sent to hell too, whereas selflessness is at the very core of Christianity.

Not to mention either that Jesus H. Christ himself committed sacrifice to save all of mankind, according to your view, Jesus committed suicide and deserves hell fire...

On a side note, End of Days is not the only movie who takes into consideration the difference between the two, in Bedazzled, Brendan Fraser's character is saved from the depth of hell through his selfless sacrifice, which directly grants him a VIP seat in paradise. Another even better example would be Constantine, which ends the exact same way...

Moreover, if God doesn't see any difference, that means that he sends anybody who died fighting his various "holy wars" directly to hell because they willingly gave their life for Him, which is nothing else than suicide if we don't make the distinction with sacrifice.

As you can see, things start to get rather tricky if no such distinction is made, thus, there's obviously a major difference between sacrifice and suicide, and any God worthy of the name would/should see that.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I don't care about the reasoning, I am a person of pure logic. Cause and effect. Saving someones life is indeed noble, but the facts are facts, it's suicide.


You can call it how you want, but this is everything BUT logic.

Logic is to accept that different words have different definitions. If both concepts were interchangeable, there wouldn't even be 2 distinct words that refer to them.

Fact is, suicide has a specific definition and sacrifice another. Ignoring it and confusing them is not logic but stubborn blindness.

The aim of suicide is to stop existing, the unique aim is to *die* whereas the obvious aim of sacrifice is to give one's own life to *prevent* something bad from happening. 2 different things entirely.

Suicide: the act or an instance of killing oneself intentionally

Sacrifice: a surrender of something of value as a means of gaining something more desirable or of preventing some evil.

Self-sacrifice: the sacrifice of one's own desires, interest, etc., for the sake of duty or for the well-being of others

Supreme sacrifice: the sacrifice of one's life

See? Words have definitions and only an illogical person would simply dismiss that, a mistake that God would obviously not make.

What you are saying is that the Sun and Earth are exactly the same thing because they are both spheres! A fact is a fact right? Well, no.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Sacrifice and suicide are not exclusive. Jericho killed himself, the definition of suicide. He did it to save others, which is a sacrifice. Therefore his suicide was a sacrifice.

No surprise that a religious nut would be so presumptuous though. Except I doubt you are a true religious nut. I'm sensing a troll in our midst.


I beg to disagree.

Suicide is only suicide when the act is performed solely in order to die. The aim here is to die.

Whereas sacrifice is to give one's own life in order to prevent something else entirely, the aim here is not to die but to prevent something bad from happening or saving someone.

If i jump in a fire to save my baby and die, this is obviously not suicide, but sacrifice. Both concept are indeed mutually exclusive.

Jesus didn't commit suicide, he sacrificed himself.

On side note, why would you even think i'm a religious nut in the first place??? o_o

The content of my comment AND my signature clearly point toward the opposite... no?

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


it's complicated... it used to be doctrine that suicide was a mortal sin and since you generally died pretty quickly you couldn't repent (no time to go to confession etc.) so you died in a state of mortal sin...which ain't good. it has eased somewhat and now it may be the case that the person is considered to have been in a disturbed state of mind and thus not fully conscious of (or morally fully responsible for) the sin, e.g., if they have a clinical illness or substance abuse which leads to the suicide.

here Arnold was not killing himself for the purpose of ending his own life he was doing it to prevent the Apocalypse and save millions and his own death was incidental. I don't think that would be considered sinful, like if someone intentionally jumped in front of a bullet or jump on grenade that was going to kill someone else, even if the result of his action was known to him to be certain death.


I don't believe that suicide will send someone to Hell. To committ suicide you'd have to feel so hopeless and think nobody could help you. But in the context of the movie Satan had possessed him and he didn't want Satan destroying the world so he killed himself which killed Satan. I don't think God would condemn someone for killing his main enemy.

When the Story Lady tells us about the naughty boy who blew up his goldfish.


It was actually sacrifice, he meant to save humanity, not meant to end his life because he wanted to 'give up'.


Interesting. Same question for the same situation at the end of The Exorcist...though, of course, Father Karras received his last rites, SUPPOSEDLY absolving one of sin.

'When you hang a man, you better look at him.'


Well Jesus sacrificed himself for all of us to live and by your logic that means he committed suicide- which I don't believe and if you watch the ending as Jericho was dying he was rewarded with the vision of his family which I think means he went to Heaven not Hell and God was pleased with him.



Jesus did not take his own life, so it was not a suicide. Hello! Words have meanings. Maybe check out a dictionary sometime.
