Bearded Arnold

I thought Arnold's look was extremely cool in this of the coolest look he's ever had in a movie...the beard looks fantastic on him! It makes him even cooler! What you think about it?


I agree! He was really gritty in this movie which is rare for him. He's usually all commando'd out or looks like someones dad


Also the only time I really remember him "acting" - he's pretty good in this film, although the film itself I found pretty laughable. But I did enjoy Arnie acting against type.


Yeah, I loved Arnold's acting, too. I think this is his best performance ever. Don't you think?


I wouldn't disagree with that. I've not seen every single film he's been in, but I don't think I've seen him do better as an actor.


i remember comparing his face here and the corny mental image of him from T3. this is his most badassest look ever


Stay Hungry was a good performance I say. And this flick also.

"No...please" "Now what good do you think that'll do?"


I agree. I like his bearded, gritty look. His performance was better than a good number of his movies too.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I wouldn't call it the "Gritty" look. It's more like the "Burned out cop whose family member/members were killed that makes him borderline suicidal but he still has to work but tends to neglect his appearance because he doesn't care anymore" look. It was very popular in the 80's. Along with that famous "burned out" cop line that said cop would always say to his friends/superiors after a tragedy: "YOU WASN'T THERE!!!".
