MovieChat Forums > End of Days (1999) Discussion > Kevin Pollak -- every time i watch this ...

Kevin Pollak -- every time i watch this i wonder why ...

he's never gotten bigger and better roles? maybe not bigger necessarily but is there anyone better at the sidekick/hero's buddy? he's such a sarcastic smartass in this, not to mention that bit of cowardice that makes him really likeable, i wonder why he never got better roles ...

maybe he (or his agent etc) make bad choices where parts are concerned, i dunno ... but he's so good in this he really makes this movie work ... without him i think this movie wouldn't have worked at all, or hardly at all (i know there are plot holes, mistakes, etc, but it's still a personal favorite mainly because of Pollak and Byrne ... Byrne as one of the very best "movie Satans" ever imho ... i really liked Rod Steiger in this as well) ... but Pollak has some real lol lines in this movie and it's delivery as well as writing ... i don't hear or imagine anyone else doing his role nearly as well as he does ...

but didn't know if anyone knew why Pollak never got farther in his acting (or perhaps i'm misreading his career tho i look for him and so many of his roles are real throw-aways for his skill level i think) ...

i see he's doing a talk show now, any opinions on that?

oh and btw, that guy with the white knotty hair STILL freaks me out ... damn, he's just freaky looking around let alone when he starts yakking ... jeeeezzz ...

this place is making me itch,

"Can you hear me??!!"
-- J. Depp as HST


Kevin pollack was good in grumpy old men!! He was awesome in casino as well. I think he is just a character actor. The spike haired guy scarred me when I was 13 and have not recovered at 27 ha
