I used to love this show.

It was so great, I could remember it was on Fox Family, and I would sit in my desk chair, propped up next to my bed, leaning back with my pillows stuffed on my back and bottom and watch this show. I remember that I always would watch Attack of the
Killer Tomatoes and Mega Man before it. Those were the days.



it was a well good series, i hope it comes out on dvd.




I watched it when I was about 10 too. I don't miss it though...



I miss it, I'm playin' DKC1 right now and remembered the series, looked it up on IMDb, and was shocked at it's rating -- WTF?!

Man, I miss this show, it was so awesome, like the previous poster mentioned, I wish this would've came out on DVD.


ya i remember watching this show when i was ur age

it was well good and my saturday mornings pased by liek windmills and trees


Same here. Man I feel nostalgic.

*signature under construction*


shocked by its rating?? while I admit this show was entertaining and enjoyable, the corny songs and 3 minute dance routines really ruined it for me.


Is Dixie Kong in this?
Visit me at http://skandarkeynesfan.spaces.msn.com


Yes she appeared in several episodes.


