What is Winslow?

What type of animal was Winslow supposed to be? I never understood lol
He lives in a wall like most mice do in cartoons (Tom & Jerry, etc.) yet he's blue, sophisticated, and has unusual features unlike most mice.

I'm sure they mentioned what his species was, but I can't find that episode. Does anyone know?


They said he was a mouse in the earlier episodes.
I am currently rewatching all the episodes and I'm on episode 14, so it was before that.
I think they said it in the first episode but I'm not sure.


Just a weird blue mouse just like Rancid rabbit is a weird green bunny.


I'm watching it right now with my daughter and Cat just called him a "puny little rat."


He's a mouse for Pete's sake. You honestly did not know that??? (Facepalm)
