MovieChat Forums > Pâfekuto burû (1999) Discussion > any other movies like this?

any other movies like this?

i liked perfect blue, wanted to know if there any other anime movies of the same genre (psychological thriller) that any one could recommend.

thanks in advance


They're not anime, but check out

Being John Malkovich
The Prestige
Fight Club
Jacob's Ladder
Donnie Darko

And the Cowboy Bebop movie is debatable to be psychlogical at times, but you gotta see it to know what I'm talking about.

Other animes are

Paranoia Agent (A t.v. series that's basically Perfect Blue with 13 different characters)
Paprika (Dreams.. nuff said)
Mind Game (Just crazy.... see it).

They're not as good as Perfect Blue, but they're up there.



The David Lynch movie, Inland Empire had some similarites to this. I also recommend any other Satoshi Kon or David Lynch movie.



Yes, Perfect Blue did certainly have a very 'David Lynch' feel to it. I'd say the closest though is Fire Walk With Me. A very underrated film due to it being so different than the series. It is very dark and like Perfect Blue has a strong corruption of innocence theme.



Stand By For Action!


Regarding the original poster, I too have been dying to find anime movies like this one and have consistently been disappointed. I guess this film is unique and there's none else like this, as yet. I found Ghost In The Shell to be somewhat similar in style, but it has too much philosophical mumbo-jumbo.

Other than this: Satoshi Kon's two other movies (Paprika and Millenium Actress) have a similar surreal style; however they are made in a lighter vein and are not as dark and mysterious as this one.

I'd love to hear of more suggestions, particularly those of anime films.


If you liked the thought provoking aspect of Perfect Blue I'd highly recommend Paranoia Agent (also directed by Satoshi Kon) and Serial Experiments Lain. Both are anime tv shows which are likely to keep you thinking after you've reached the end!


Excellent choice AnimeMad. I just watched the first couple of episodes of Serial Experiments Lain and they was great. Thank you because you have restored my faith in anime. Cheers.


update 2.....

Thanks for your suggestions AnimeMad. I have now purchased both Serial Experiments Lain and Paranoia Agent series on DVD. Loved them. Are there any more you suggest?


I know this is a really old post but if you have not seen it. Jin roh and the wolf bergade is a great movie.



Paranoia Agent is better than this, Satoshi has taken many of the same themes and rehashed them several times, this was his debut and suffers from some discrepancies, Paranoia Agent is flawless and powerful, it's also an original work. This was based on a novel and while he changed some things, he was forced to keep much of the story intact. The events are therefore a bit confusing, rather than divine. I have only seen a tiny bit of Paprika, and haven't seen Millennium Actress, but I think he has completely mastered the surreal mix of the meta-physical mind with the real world.

For other great Anime movies, check out the following:
-Anything by Hayao Miyazaki. Seriously, the man is a wizard of the imagination. A couple of his films i'd suggest above others would be Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. *These are the english titles.
-The afforementioned Paranoia Agent and subsequent Kon fare(though I haven't seen them); Millennium Actress and Paprika.
-The anime series Gantz
-The anime mini-series FLCL
-Akira, for gods sake. ><
-Any of the numerous Shonen Jump anime, which include but are not limited to: Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist.. and many more.
-Cowboy Bebop. It's widely considered to be one of the greatest animes out there

I've got a few other faves but I'll leave this at that.

"So say we all."


These are non-Anime reccomendations.

Tell Me Something (Has more of a Seven feel though)

They will say that I have shed innocent blood...what's blood for, if not for shedding? - Candyman





An review listed Hitchcock's Vertigo as presenting a similar case of a main character's distortion of reality. There is also Polanski's Repulsion.
