R.I.P. Satoshi Kon

Shocking news, as it's been revealed that director Satoshi Kon has died at only the age of 47. Very sad news, indeed.



This is extremely sad, I had no idea that this had happened :(

"Our critique began as all critiques begin: with doubt"


He was a quiet, powerful influence on many, I'm sure. He's encouraged me plenty...

He is to be highly missed...

Do you like movies? So do we...


Damn shame, he's a legend.

"Questions Questions too many questions, want shard here!"-The Dark Crystal


Watched Perfect Blue today, felt pretty bad seeing his name in the credits. Amazing movie, even better the second time.

If dolphins are so smart, how come they live in igloos


Rest in peace Satoshi Kon your name will not be forgotten.

Thank you for posting op


What a gentle and kind man Mr. Won seemed to be in his interviews. Always smiling and eager to discuss his films among other topics.

It's late April 2011, and I am now finally getting around to see "Perfect Blue" on DVD. I saw "Tokyo Godfathers" first (in a theater in 2003), and then wanted to see "Paprika" in a theater back in 2006 but missed it. Since then, I've seen "Memories" (one of my favorite Satoshi Kon pieces), "Millennium Actress", and "Paprika" on DVD.

I *knew* I had bought "Perfect Blue" on DVD right after seeing "Tokyo Godfathers" in 2003. But misplaced it and didn't find it until today, 4/29/11.

I can't wait to watch "Perfect Blue" in Mr. Kon's honor. Seeing him in the interviews on the DVD will be wonderful, too. We are so fortunate to have had Mr. Kon around during our lifetimes.

Off to watch "Perfect Blue"!


RIP Sensei Kon, you will be missed greatly by many many many lovers of film and art

"Trees cause more pollution than automobiles." Ronald Reagan
