What is this movie?

So I just came here from watching something made by Little Kuriboh. can anyone tell me why this is funny because you've seen this movie?



HAHAHA, I just watched LittleKuriboh's video too and was like "...what is this movie...?" so where else to turn but IMDB? hahaha *high five* XD


o.o! I did the same. xD

"We're not falling love. We're just falling apart."


lol I'm here cause of the same reason


I watched it too XD I'm a fan of his, but so far from my "research"- Perfect Blue is about some insane girl who keeps seeing this odd reflection of herself and gos bonkers o_O and shes raped and stuff...not a family movie like Kuriboh said XD But I guess that's whats so funny about it, he makes it sound PG XD


lol! Here for the same reason. Watched the movie. It's pretty good.


LOL qop0op...um...that's kind of not what the movie's about at all. That just sounds like a two-second analysis of a clip or something. :)

I'd do some more research on non-spoiler synopses of the movie. I highly recommend it and it's very good, but you were right about one thing: definitely not the stereotypical family film. It will do some serious messing with your mind, too. It's also on YouTube, last time I checked, if you wanna take a look and think you can take it, i suppose.

(For the record, she is not really raped and it's not only about the reflections...the end ties everything together--no worries. Watch it!)

Call me a drama queen and I'll jump!
