Sequel to Perfect Blue

I once read somewhere online or heard that they was a sequel to the novel of Perfect Blue, called Simply Red. The plot was sort of similar to Perfect Blue in a way that there was a cartoon actress who was on the boarderline of reality/fantasy world. With the success of the movie, maybe it will come out in the near future. Anyone else know about it?



Instead of a movie sequel I think they decided to travel back in time and put together an 80's pop band.


they did a live action version.



you know i can't find the book or any books by the auther online. there could be a sequel to the book called simply red i don't know.



There ought to be a sequel to the movie. I can already think of another great story, the first is so great that a number of ideas are still unexplored. And I can already think of a new stalker, you'd never see it coming.
