the ending...

the version i got ended with the girl getting hit by the car... but i know that wasnt the end. Can someone tell me what happened at the very end?


You mean it ended with Mima dreaming about getting hit, or it ended with Rumi on her knees about to get hit by a truck?
Rumi turns out to be stalking Mima, then she chases her down and they duel, and then Mima saves Rumi from getting hit by a truck. It flashes to the future, where Mima brings institutionalized Rumi some flowers and you see that Mima is back to her happy self, saying "I am real."
You can find a complete movie synapsis online, though. I searched for "Perfect Blue synapsis" on google and found some.


OK i guess the version on kazaa has the ending cut off.

When I was going up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there.


Actually buy the movie.
