
do you think that maybe rumi was drugging mima? she did have access to mima apartment. could that have been a contributing factor to why mima was going nutty.


Might be (and it would give me another good reason to hate Rumi).


Rumi had a split personality, but I don't think that her two personalities were connected enough for Rumi to realize what was going on and to drug Mima.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


im not so sure of that. over time the personallites spilt more and more. maybe by the end she was so shattered that she counldn't go back to being rumi. or maybe it was in her other state that she druged her. if the other mima could kill and have an online life im sure that it is somewhat possible and plasible that she could have been druged the real mima. also of all the people mima knew in her life rumi was the only one that came to her apartment.


I agree with most of that, but Mima had 'episodes' at times when she hadn't seen Rumi for a while in order to drug her.

Besides, Rumi's a singer turned agent who confronted her victims and then hacked them to death. She doesn't seem like the type to drug somebody.

If she was, wouldn't she have drugged at least one of her victims. Or killed them in a more subtle way than with an ice pick?

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


she was trying to kill the people that "blemished" mima's pop idol image. not mima herself. rumi even framed her by leaving the dirty clothes in mima's closet. that shows that she did have access to mima apt with out mima's when mima was not there.


"rumi even framed her by leaving the dirty clothes in mima's closet"

One of the things that the film was never quite clear about was whether or not Rumi actually comitted that murder, or whether Mima did that one herself.

Personally, I think that the guy (the one who was stabbed in his own appartment), would have recognized Mimi, so it must have been Rumi.

"she did have access to mima apt with out mima's when mima was not there"

That doesn't count for the opportunities to drug Mima. Mima had episodes at all sorts of times, even late in the evening when she had neither been to her appartment or near Rumi.

I think that there would have been some clues in the film if she was drugged. Even a vauge hint. I saw nothing on screen to suggest that she was doped.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.



It's a good explanaion, but Mima changed the decor in her appartment (she took down all of the Cham posters and CDs etc) when she left Cham, but Rumi didn't do the same. Which makes both apartments look quite different.

Right at the end of the film, when Mima really is in Rumi's appartment, she realizes almost instantly that she's not home because of these changes, plus she looks out of the window and sees that the appartment is on a lower floor and is nearer to the train tracks, an dthat all of Rumi's fish are alive, but most of hers died.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.
